Shona Pennock
Shona Pennock
Research Associate, Edinburgh University
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Timing value of marine renewable energy resources for potential grid applications
S Bhattacharya, S Pennock, B Robertson, S Hanif, MJE Alam, ...
Applied Energy 299, 117281, 2021
Beyond LCOE: A multi-criteria evaluation framework for offshore renewable energy projects
MM Vanegas-Cantarero, S Pennock, T Bloise-Thomaz, H Jeffrey, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 161, 112307, 2022
Temporal complementarity of marine renewables with wind and solar generation: Implications for GB system benefits
S Pennock, D Coles, A Angeloudis, S Bhattacharya, H Jeffrey
Applied Energy 319, 119276, 2022
European offshore renewable energy: towards a sustainable future
A Azzellino, F Boero, AB e Melo, P Comiskey, Z Gao, D Howel, ...
European Marine Board, 2023
Impacts of tidal stream power on energy system security: An Isle of Wight case study
D Coles, B Wray, R Stevens, S Crawford, S Pennock, J Miles
Applied Energy 334, 120686, 2023
Life cycle assessment of a point-absorber wave energy array
S Pennock, MM Vanegas-Cantarero, T Bloise-Thomaz, H Jeffrey, ...
Renewable Energy 190, 1078-1088, 2022
Deriving current cost requirements from future targets: Case studies for emerging offshore renewable energy technologies
S Pennock, A Garcia-Teruel, DR Noble, O Roberts, A de Andres, ...
Energies 15 (5), 1732, 2022
An ecosystem-based natural capital evaluation framework that combines environmental and socio-economic implications of offshore renewable energy developments
N Trifonova, B Scott, R Griffin, S Pennock, H Jeffrey
Progress in Energy 4 (3), 032005, 2022
Estimating future costs of emerging wave energy technologies
P Ruiz-Minguela, DR Noble, V Nava, S Pennock, JM Blanco, H Jeffrey
Sustainability 15 (1), 215, 2022
The Scottish electricity dispatch model
S Pennock, S Gill, K Bell
2016 13th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-5, 2016
Providing frequency droop control using variable speed wind turbines with augmented control
A Stock, B Leithead, S Pennock
EWEA Annual Conference 2014, 2014
What is the value of innovative offshore renewable energy deployment to the UK economy
C Cochrane, S Pennock, H Jeffrey
available at: www. supergen-ore. net/uploads/What-is-the-value-of-innovative …, 2021
A modelling framework to quantify the power system benefits from ocean energy deployments
S Pennock, DR Noble, Y Vardanyan, T Delahaye, H Jeffrey
Applied Energy 347, 121413, 2023
DTOceanPlus D8. 1 Potential Markets for Ocean Energy
MV Cantarero, GA Domene, DR Noble, S Pennock, H Jeffrey, ...
Offsetting of wave and wind resource and resultant economic benefits: a GB case study
S Pennock, NRK Bharathi, D Crooks, H Jeffrey, P Moller
13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 2019
Modelling the potential impacts of locational versus system-wide strike prices in contracts for difference for low carbon generation
S Pennock, S Gill, K Bell
2017 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-6, 2017
Estimating Future Costs of Emerging Wave Energy Technologies. Sustainability 2023, 15, 215
P Ruiz-Minguela, DR Noble, V Nava, S Pennock, JM Blanco, H Jeffrey
Modelling system balancing actions within high renewable energy scenarios
S Pennock, MV Cantarero, H Jeffrey
2020 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-6, 2020
The impact of introducing zonal pricing within GB on investment signals to low carbon generation
S Pennock
University of Strathclyde, 2020
Testing the Power System Feasibility of Scotland's Renewable Energy Targets
S Pennock
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