Dr. Santosh Kumar Singh
Dr. Santosh Kumar Singh
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Engineering, Kattankulathur, Chennai
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Citované v
Effect of double-pulsed gas metal arc welding (DP-GMAW) process variables on microstructural constituents and hardness of low carbon steel weld deposits
M Sen, M Mukherjee, SK Singh, TK Pal
Journal of manufacturing processes 31, 424-439, 2018
Combined effects of wave and current in free surface turbulent flow
SK Singh, K Debnath
Ocean Engineering 127, 170-189, 2016
Turbulence statistics of wave-current flow over a submerged cube
SK Singh, K Debnath, BS Mazumder
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 142 (3), 04015027, 2016
Flow past a bluff body subjected to lower subcritical Reynolds number
P Kumar, SK Singh
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 5 (2), 173-179, 2020
Spatially-averaged turbulent flow over cubical roughness in wave-current co-existing environment
SK Singh, K Debnath, BS Mazumder
Coastal Engineering 114, 77-85, 2016
Grid generated turbulence under the rigid boundary influence
PK Raushan, SK Singh, K Debnath
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 182, 252-261, 2018
Combined effect of wave and current in rough bed free surface flow
SK Singh, PK Raushan, K Debnath
Ocean Engineering 160, 20-32, 2018
Turbulent characteristics of pulsating flow over hydraulically smooth surface
SK Singh, PK Raushan, K Debnath
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 68, 10-19, 2018
Turbulence over cube-mounted rough bed using spatiotemporal averaging approach
SK Singh, K Debnath, BS Mazumder
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 44 (7), 504-517, 2017
Role of multiple flow stages over submerged structure
SK Singh, PK Raushan, K Debnath
Ocean Engineering 181, 59-70, 2019
Turbulence characteristics of flow under combined wave–current motion
SK Singh, K Debnath
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 139 (2), 021102, 2017
Pier scour within long contraction in cohesive sediment bed
S Chaudhuri, SK Singh, K Debnath, MK Manik
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 18, 417-441, 2018
Grid-generated turbulence in pulsating flow under the rigid boundary influence
PK Raushan, SK Singh, K Debnath
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 78, 291-305, 2019
Distribution of turbulent energy in combined wave current flow
PK Raushan, SK Singh, K Debnath, M Mukherjee, BS Mazumder
Ocean Engineering 167, 310-316, 2018
Changes in turbulent flow structure over rough-bed under combined wave-current motions
SK Singh, K Debnath, BS Mazumder
ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 22 (3), 305-313, 2016
Spatial evolution of young wind waves: numerical modelling verified by experiments
L Shemer, SK Singh, A Chernyshova
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 901, A22, 2020
Turbulent oscillatory flow along unidirectional current over square ribs
SK Singh, PK Raushan, K Debnath, BS Mazumder
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 45 (4), 248-262, 2018
Numerical analysis of flow structures behind the bluff body at different aspect ratio
A Sharma, P Kumar, SK Singh
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 402 (1), 012056, 2018
Spatially evolving regular water wave under the action of steady wind forcing
L Shemer, SK Singh
Physical Review Fluids 6 (3), 034802, 2021
Turbulence characteristics of oscillating flow through passive grid
PK Raushan, SK Singh, K Debnath
Ocean Engineering 224, 108727, 2021
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