Sergii Kryvenko
Sergii Kryvenko
National Aerospace University & Health Entire Limited
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Citované v
Lossy compression of noisy images based on visual quality: a comprehensive study
N Ponomarenko, S Krivenko, V Lukin, K Egiazarian, JT Astola
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2010, 1-13, 2010
Lossy compression of images without visible distortions and its application
VV Lukin, MS Zriakhov, NN Ponomarenko, SS Krivenko, M Zhenjiang
IEEE 10th international conference on signal processing proceedings, 698-701, 2010
Prediction of filtering efficiency for DCT-based image denoising
S Abramov, S Krivenko, A Roenko, V Lukin, I Djurović, M Chobanu
2013 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 97-100, 2013
Analysis of classification accuracy for pre-filtered multichannel remote sensing data
V Lukin, S Abramov, S Krivenko, A Kurekin, O Pogrebnyak
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (16), 6400-6411, 2013
Two-step providing of desired quality in lossy image compression by SPIHT
F Li, S Krivenko, V Lukin
ХАІ, 2020
A fast method of visually lossless compression of dental images
S Krivenko, V Lukin, O Krylova, L Kryvenko, K Egiazarian
Applied sciences 11 (1), 135, 2020
Smart lossy compression of images based on distortion prediction
SS Krivenko, O Krylova, E Bataeva, VV Lukin
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 77 (17), 2018
Lossy compression of multichannel remote sensing images with quality control
V Lukin, I Vasilyeva, S Krivenko, F Li, S Abramov, O Rubel, B Vozel, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (22), 3840, 2020
Uncertainty of measurement results for anatomical structures of paranasal sinuses
AS Nechyporenko, SS Krivenko, V Alekseeva, A Lupyr, N Yurevych, ...
2019 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 1-4, 2019
Lossy compression of images corrupted by mixed Poisson and additive Gaussian noise
VV Lukin, SS Krivenko, MS Zriakhov, NN Ponomarenko, SK Abramov, ...
2009 International Workshop on Local and Non-Local Approximation in Image …, 2009
Visual quality of lossy compressed images
N Ponomarenko, S Krivenko, V Lukin, K Egiazarian
2009 10th International Conference-The Experience of Designing and …, 2009
An approach to better portable graphics (BPG) compression with providing a desired quality
F Li, S Krivenko, V Lukin
2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information …, 2020
MSE and PSNR prediction for ADCT coder applied to lossy image compression
S Krivenko, M Zriakhov, V Lukin, B Vozel
2018 IEEE 9th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and …, 2018
Analysis of two-step approach for compressing texture images with desired quality
F Li, SS Krivenko, VV Lukin
Aerospace technic and technology, 50-58, 2020
Many-to-many linear-feedback shift register
SS Krivenko, SA Krivenko
2014 IEEE 34th International Scientific Conference on Electronics and …, 2014
A two-step procedure for image lossy compression by ADCTC with a desired quality
F Li, S Krivenko, V Lukin
2020 IEEE 11th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and …, 2020
Visually lossless compression of retina images
S Krivenko, V Lukin, O Krylova, V Shutko
2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …, 2018
Weighted mean square error for estimation of visual quality of image denoising methods
N Ponomarenko, S Krivenko, K Egiazarian, V Lukin, J Astola
CD ROM Proceedings of VPQM 5, 2010
A two-step approach to providing a desired quality of lossy compressed images
S Krivenko, D Demchenko, I Dyogtev, V Lukin
Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering: Synergetic …, 2020
Prediction of DCT-based denoising efficiency for images corrupted by signal-dependent noise
S Krivenko, V Lukin, B Vozel, K Chehdi
2014 IEEE 34th International Scientific Conference on Electronics and …, 2014
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