Anni Huhtala
Anni Huhtala
VATT Institute for Economic Research
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Citované v
A post-consumer waste management model for determining optimal levels of recycling and landfilling
A Huhtala
Environmental and Resource Economics 10, 301-314, 1997
Impacts of changes in water quality on recreation behavior and benefits in Finland
J Vesterinen, E Pouta, A Huhtala, M Neuvonen
Journal of environmental management 91 (4), 984-994, 2010
Benefits of meeting nutrient reduction targets for the Baltic Sea–a contingent valuation study in the nine coastal states
H Ahtiainen, J Artell, M Czajkowski, B Hasler, L Hasselström, A Huhtala, ...
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 3 (3), 278-305, 2014
What price recreation in Finland?—a contingent valuation study of non-market benefits of public outdoor recreation areas
A Huhtala
Journal of leisure research 36 (1), 23-44, 2004
Optimizing production technology choices: conventional production vs. recycling
A Huhtala
Resource and Energy Economics 21 (1), 1-18, 1999
Quantifying the social costs of nuclear energy: Perceived risk of accident at nuclear power plants
A Huhtala, P Remes
Energy Policy 105, 320-331, 2017
Income effects and the inconvenience of private provision of public goods for bads: The case of recycling in Finland
A Huhtala
Ecological Economics 69 (8), 1675-1681, 2010
How much do money, inconvenience and pollution matter? Analysing households» demand for large-scale recycling and incineration
A Huhtala
Journal of environmental management 55 (1), 27-38, 1999
Optimal management of a eutrophied coastal ecosystem: balancing agricultural and municipal abatement measures
M Laukkanen, A Huhtala
Environmental and Resource Economics 39 (2), 139-159, 2008
Valuation of trips to second homes: do environmental attributes matter?
A Huhtala, T Lankia
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 55 (6), 733-752, 2012
Opportunity costs of providing crop diversity in organic and conventional farming: would targeted environmental policies make economic sense?
T Sipiläinen, A Huhtala
European Review of Agricultural Economics 40 (3), 441-462, 2013
Valuing health effects of air pollution—focus on concentration-response functions
E Samakovlis, A Huhtala, T Bellander, M Svartengren
Journal of Urban Economics 58 (2), 230-249, 2005
Policy goals for improved water quality in the Baltic Sea: when do the benefits outweigh the costs?
K Hyytiäinen, L Ahlvik, H Ahtiainen, J Artell, A Huhtala, K Dahlbo
Environmental and Resource Economics 61, 217-241, 2015
User fees, equity and the benefits of public outdoor recreation services
A Huhtala, E Pouta
Journal of Forest Economics 14 (2), 117-132, 2008
Integrating ecological and economic modeling of eutrophication: toward optimal solutions for a coastal area suffering from sediment release of phosphorus
M Laukkanen, P Ekholm, A Huhtala, H Pitkänen, M Kiirikki, P Rantanen, ...
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 38 (4), 225-235, 2009
Efficiency in agricultural production of biodiversity: Organic vs. conventional practices
T Sipilainen, PO Marklund, A Huhtala
Binary choice valuation studies with heteregeneous preferences regarding the program being valued
A Huhtala
Environmental and Resource Economics 16, 263-279, 2000
Benefit incidence of public recreation areas—have the winners taken almost all?
A Huhtala, E Pouta
Environmental and Resource Economics 43, 63-79, 2009
‘Fair’policies for the coffee trade–protecting people or biodiversity?
M Kitti, J Heikkilä, A Huhtala
Environment and Development Economics 14 (6), 739-758, 2009
Stringency of environmental targets in animal agriculture: shedding light on policy with shadow prices
A Huhtala, PO Marklund
European Review of Agricultural Economics 35 (2), 193-217, 2008
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