Jennifer Cromley
Jennifer Cromley
Professor, Educational Psychology, UIUC
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Citované v
Does training on self-regulated learning facilitate students' learning with hypermedia?
R Azevedo, JG Cromley
Journal of educational psychology 96 (3), 523, 2004
Testing and refining the direct and inferential mediation model of reading comprehension.
JG Cromley, R Azevedo
Journal of educational psychology 99 (2), 311, 2007
The role of identity development, values, and costs in college STEM retention.
T Perez, JG Cromley, A Kaplan
Journal of educational psychology 106 (1), 315, 2014
Does adaptive scaffolding facilitate students’ ability to regulate their learning with hypermedia?
R Azevedo, JG Cromley, D Seibert
Contemporary educational psychology 29 (3), 344-370, 2004
Why is externally-facilitated regulated learning more effective than self-regulated learning with hypermedia?
R Azevedo, DC Moos, JA Greene, FI Winters, JG Cromley
Educational Technology Research and Development 56, 45-72, 2008
Adaptive human scaffolding facilitates adolescents’ self-regulated learning with hypermedia
R Azevedo, JG Cromley, FI Winters, DC Moos, JA Greene
Instructional science 33, 381-412, 2005
Reading comprehension of scientific text: A domain-specific test of the direct and inferential mediation model of reading comprehension.
JG Cromley, LE Snyder-Hogan, UA Luciw-Dubas
Journal of Educational Psychology 102 (3), 687, 2010
English language learners' access to and attainment in postsecondary education
Y Kanno, JG Cromley
TESOL quarterly 47 (1), 89-121, 2013
Cognitive activities in complex science text and diagrams
JG Cromley, LE Snyder-Hogan, UA Luciw-Dubas
Contemporary Educational Psychology 35 (1), 59-74, 2010
Self-report of reading comprehension strategies: What are we measuring?
JG Cromley, R Azevedo
Metacognition and Learning 1, 229-247, 2006
Undergraduate STEM achievement and retention: Cognitive, motivational, and institutional factors and solutions
JG Cromley, T Perez, A Kaplan
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (1), 4-11, 2016
Changes in implicit theories of ability in biology and dropout from STEM majors: A latent growth curve approach
T Dai, JG Cromley
Contemporary Educational Psychology 39 (3), 233-247, 2014
Adaptive content and process scaffolding: A key to facilitating students' self-regulated learning with hypermedia
R Azevedo, JG Cromley, DC Moos, JA Greene, FI Winters
Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling 53 (1), 106, 2011
Reading achievement and science proficiency: International comparisons from the programme on international student assessment
JG Cromley
Reading Psychology 30 (2), 89-118, 2009
The effects of achievement goals and self-regulated learning behaviors on reading comprehension in technology-enhanced learning environments
ML Bernacki, JP Byrnes, JG Cromley
Contemporary Educational Psychology 37 (2), 148-161, 2012
English language learners’ pathways to four-year colleges
Y Kanno, JG Cromley
Teachers College Record 117 (12), 1-44, 2015
Interrelations among expectancies, task values, and perceived costs in undergraduate biology achievement
T Perez, T Dai, A Kaplan, JG Cromley, WD Brooks, AC White, KR Mara, ...
Learning and Individual Differences 72, 26-38, 2019
What do reading tutors do? A naturalistic study of more and less experienced tutors in reading
JG Cromley
Discourse Processes 40 (2), 83-113, 2005
Metacognition, cognitive strategy instruction, and reading in adult literacy
JG Cromley
Review of Adult Learning and Literacy, Volume 5, 187-204, 2023
Learning to think, learning to learn: What the science of thinking and learning has to offer adult education
J Cromley
National Institute for Literacy, 2000
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