OpenDF: a dataflow toolset for reconfigurable hardware and multicore systems SS Bhattacharyya, G Brebner, JW Janneck, J Eker, C Von Platen, ... ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 36 (5), 29-35, 2009 | 147 | 2009 |
Overview of the MPEG reconfigurable video coding framework SS Bhattacharyya, J Eker, JW Janneck, C Lucarz, M Mattavelli, M Raulet Journal of Signal Processing Systems 63, 251-263, 2011 | 145 | 2011 |
Comparison of high-throughput sequencing data compression tools I Numanagić, JK Bonfield, F Hach, J Voges, J Ostermann, C Alberti, ... nature methods 13 (12), 1005-1008, 2016 | 121 | 2016 |
The reconfigurable video coding standard [standards in a nutshell] M Mattavelli, I Amer, M Raulet IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 27 (3), 159-167, 2010 | 98 | 2010 |
Automated QoE evaluation of dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP C Alberti, D Renzi, C Timmerer, C Mueller, S Lederer, S Battista, ... 2013 Fifth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX …, 2013 | 90 | 2013 |
Networks of Ethereum Non-Fungible Tokens: A graph-based analysis of the ERC-721 ecosystem S Casale-Brunet, P Ribeca, P Doyle, M Mattavelli 2021 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain), 188-195, 2021 | 85 | 2021 |
Fully soft-switched high step-up nonisolated three-port DC–DC converter using GaN HEMTs R Faraji, H Farzanehfard, G Kampitsis, M Mattavelli, E Matioli, M Esteki IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (10), 8371-8380, 2019 | 83 | 2019 |
Music onset detection based on resonator time frequency image R Zhou, M Mattavelli, G Zoia IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 16 (8), 1685-1695, 2008 | 69 | 2008 |
Circuit for motion estimation in digitized video sequence encoders F Bellifemine, G Bollano, A Finotello, M Gandini, P Garino, M Marchisio, ... US Patent 6,122,320, 2000 | 67 | 2000 |
The MIN PFS problem and piecewise linear model estimation E Amaldi, M Mattavelli Discrete Applied Mathematics 118 (1-2), 115-143, 2002 | 66 | 2002 |
Reconfigurable media coding: A new specification model for multimedia coders C Lucarz, M Mattavelli, J Thomas-Kerr, J Janneck 2007 IEEE workshop on signal processing systems, 481-486, 2007 | 58 | 2007 |
Algorithm/architecture co-exploration of visual computing on emergent platforms: Overview and future prospects GG Lee, YK Chen, M Mattavelli, ES Jang IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 19 (11), 1576 …, 2009 | 56 | 2009 |
Methods to explore design space for MPEG RMC codec specifications S Casale-Brunet, A Elguindy, E Bezati, R Thavot, G Roquier, M Mattavelli, ... Signal Processing: Image Communication 28 (10), 1278-1294, 2013 | 54 | 2013 |
Implementing real-time video decoding on multimedia processors by complexity prediction techniques M Mattavelli, S Brunetton IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 44 (3), 760-767, 1998 | 52 | 1998 |
High-level algorithmic complexity evaluation for system design M Ravasi, M Mattavelli Journal of Systems Architecture 48 (13-15), 403-427, 2003 | 51 | 2003 |
Dataflow/actor-oriented language for the design of complex signal processing systems C Lucarz, M Mattavelli, M Wipliez, G Roquier, M Raulet, JW Janneck, ... Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing …, 2008 | 50 | 2008 |
The impact of NFT profile pictures within social network communities S Casale-Brunet, M Zichichi, L Hutchinson, M Mattavelli, S Ferretti Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social …, 2022 | 49 | 2022 |
Reconfigurable video coding on multicore I Amer, C Lucarz, G Roquier, M Mattavelli, M Raulet, JF Nezan, ... IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 26 (6), 113-123, 2009 | 45 | 2009 |
High-abstraction level complexity analysis and memory architecture simulations of multimedia algorithms M Ravasi, M Mattavelli IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 15 (5), 673-684, 2005 | 45 | 2005 |
Turnus: A design exploration framework for dataflow system design SC Brunei, M Mattavelli, JW Janneck 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 654-654, 2013 | 43 | 2013 |