Bella Robinson
Bella Robinson
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Using social media to enhance emergency situation awareness
J Yin, A Lampert, M Cameron, B Robinson, R Power
IEEE intelligent systems 27 (06), 52-59, 2012
Emergency situation awareness from twitter for crisis management
MA Cameron, R Power, B Robinson, J Yin
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on world wide web, 695-698, 2012
Modeling water resource systems using a service-oriented computing paradigm
JL Goodall, BF Robinson, AM Castronova
Environmental Modelling & Software 26 (5), 573-582, 2011
A sensitive twitter earthquake detector
B Robinson, R Power, M Cameron
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on world wide web, 999-1002, 2013
Emergency situation awareness: Twitter case studies
R Power, B Robinson, J Colton, M Cameron
Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean …, 2014
ESA: emergency situation awareness via microbloggers
J Yin, S Karimi, B Robinson, M Cameron
Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Information and …, 2012
Image classification to support emergency situation awareness
R Lagerstrom, Y Arzhaeva, P Szul, O Obst, R Power, B Robinson, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 3, 54, 2016
Finding Fires with Twitter
R Power, B Robinson, D Ratcliffe
Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop 2013, 80, 2013
An evidence based earthquake detector using Twitter
B Robinson, R Power, M Cameron
Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Processing and Crisis Information …, 2013
Csiro data61 at the wnut geo shared task
G Jayasinghe, B Jin, J Mchugh, B Robinson, S Wan
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (WNUT), 218-226, 2016
Comparing web feeds and tweets for emergency management
R Power, B Robinson, C Wise
proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web, 1007-1010, 2013
Towards an accurate social media disaster event detection system based on deep learning and semantic representation
Z Lin, H Jin, B Robinson, X Lin
Proceedings of the 14th Australasian data mining conference, Canberra …, 2016
Twitter content eliciting user engagement: a case study on Australian organisations
SM Kim, K Kageura, J McHugh, S Nepal, C Paris, B Robinson, R Sparks, ...
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion …, 2017
Sina Weibo Incident Monitor and Chinese Disaster Microblogging Classification.
H Bai, X Lin, B Robinson, R Power
Journal of Digital Information Management 13 (3), 157, 2015
A Case Study for Monitoring Fires with Twitter
R Power, B Robinson, J Colton, M Cameron
ISCRAM 2015, 2015
Tweetripple: Understanding your twitter audience and the impact of your tweets
A Dennett, S Nepal, C Paris, B Robinson
2016 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Collaboration and Internet …, 2016
Using crowd sourced content to help manage emergency events
R Power, B Robinson, C Wise
Social Media for Government Services, 247-270, 2015
An investigation into social media syndromic monitoring
RS Sparks, B Robinson, R Power, M Cameron, S Woolford
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 46 (8), 5901-5923, 2017
Scenario planning case studies using open government data
R Power, B Robinson, L Rudd, A Reeson
Environmental Software Systems. Infrastructures, Services and Applications …, 2015
Developing a Sina Weibo Incident Monitor for Disasters
B Robinson, H Bai, R Power, X Lin
Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop 2014, 59, 2014
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