Vikram Pathania
Vikram Pathania
Principal Economist, Amazon
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Citované v
Citované v
for the WHO Global Surveillance and Monitoring Project. Global burden of tuberculosis: estimated incidence, prevalence, and mortality by country
C Dye, S Scheele, P Dolin, V Pathania, MC Raviglione
Jama 282 (7), 677-86, 1999
The effect of fast food restaurants on obesity and weight gain
J Currie, S DellaVigna, E Moretti, V Pathania
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 2 (3), 32-63, 2010
Private practitioners and public health: weak links in tuberculosis control
M Uplekar, V Pathania, M Raviglione
The Lancet 358 (9285), 912-916, 2001
Global burden of tuberculosis: estimated incidence, prevalence, and mortality by country. WHO Global Surveillance and Monitoring Project
C Dye, S Scheele, P Dolin, V Pathania, MC Raviglione
JAMA 282 (7), 677-686, 1999
Measuring bias in consumer lending
W Dobbie, A Liberman, D Paravisini, V Pathania
The Review of Economic Studies 88 (6), 2799-2832, 2021
Public-private mix for DOTS implementation: what makes it work?
K Lönnroth, M Uplekar, VK Arora, S Juvekar, NTN Lan, D Mwaniki, ...
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 82 (8), 580-586, 2004
Can increased primary care access reduce demand for emergency care? Evidence from England's 7-day GP opening
P Dolton, V Pathania
Journal of Health Economics 49, 193-208, 2016
Driving under the (Cellular) Influence: The Link between Cell Phone Use and Vehicle Crashes
S Bhargava, V Pathania
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 5 (3), 92-125, 2013
Food price subsidies and nutrition: Evidence from state reforms to India’s public distribution system
P Krishnamurthy, V Pathania, S Tandon
Economic Development and Cultural Change 66 (1), 55-90, 2017
TB patients and private for-profit health care providers in India
V Pathania, J Almeida, A Kochi
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: World …, 1997
Public distribution system reforms and consumption in Chhattisgarh: a comparative empirical analysis
P Krishnamurthy, V Pathania, S Tandon
Economic and Political Weekly, 74-81, 2014
What influences firms’ perceptions?
DS Kaplan, V Pathania
Journal of Comparative Economics 38 (4), 419-431, 2010
Women and the smoking epidemic: turning the tide
VS Pathania
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 89 (3), 162-162, 2011
The long run impact of drought at birth on height of women in rural India
V Pathania
Work. Pap., UC Berkeley, 2007
Involving private practitioners in tuberculosis control: issues, interventions, and emerging policy framework
TB Strategy, TB Operations Stop
Learning and developmental disabilities
MS Durkin, H Schneider, VS Pathania, KB Nelson, GC Solarsh, N Bellows, ...
The impact of malaria control on infant mortality in Kenya
V Pathania
Economic Development and Cultural Change 62 (3), 459-487, 2014
A cost–benefit analysis of BCG revaccination in the Czech Republic
VS Pathania, L Trnka, F Krejbich, C Dye
Vaccine 17 (15-16), 1926-1935, 1999
High-cost debt and perceived creditworthiness: Evidence from the UK
A Liberman, D Paravisini, V Pathania
Journal of Financial Economics 142 (2), 719-736, 2021
For whom does the phone (not) ring? Discrimination in the rental housing market in Delhi, India
S Datta, V Pathania
WIDER Working Paper, 2016
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