Mythili Kalladka
Mythili Kalladka
Eastman Institute of Oral health
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Citované v
Temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis: diagnosis and long-term conservative management: a topic review
M Kalladka, S Quek, G Heir, E Eliav, M Mupparapu, A Viswanath
The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society 14, 6-15, 2014
The role of IL-6 and IL-1β in painful perineural inflammatory neuritis
E Eliav, R Benoliel, U Herzberg, M Kalladka, M Tal
Brain, behavior, and immunity 23 (4), 474-484, 2009
Use of topical medication in orofacial neuropathic pain: a retrospective study
G Heir, S Karolchek, M Kalladka, A Vishwanath, J Gomes, R Khatri, ...
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and …, 2008
Mental nerve neuropathy: patient characteristics and neurosensory changes
M Kalladka, N Proter, R Benoliel, R Czerninski, E Eliav
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and …, 2008
Myofascial pain in temporomandibular disorders: Updates on etiopathogenesis and management
M Kalladka, A Young, J Khan
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 28, 104-113, 2021
The relation of temporomandibular disorders and dental occlusion: a narrative review.
M Kalladka, A Young, D Thomas, GM Heir, SYP Quek, J Khan
Quintessence International 53 (5), 2022
Screening for coronary heart disease and diabetes risk in a dental setting
M Kalladka, BL Greenberg, SM Padmashree, NT Venkateshaiah, ...
International journal of public health 59, 485-492, 2014
The role of the dentist in the diagnosis and management of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea
HMM Anwer, HN Albagieh, M Kalladka, HK Chiang, S Malik, SW McLaren, ...
The Saudi Dental Journal 33 (7), 424-433, 2021
Myofascial pain with referral from the anterior digastric muscle mimicking a toothache in the mandibular anterior teeth: a case report.
M Kalladka, M Thondebhavi, S Ananthan, G Kalladka, J Khan
Quintessence International 51 (1), 2020
Diagnosis of Crouzon’s syndrome
S Maloth, S Padamashree, J Rema, S Yalsangi, T Ramadoss, M Kalladka
Hong Kong Dent J 7, 95-100, 2010
Age and gender differences in mechanically induced intraoral temporal summation and conditioned pain modulation in healthy subjects
J Khan, O Korczeniewska, R Benoliel, M Kalladka, E Eliav, C Nasri-Heir
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology 126 (2), 134-141, 2018
Pathogenesis and Differential Diagnosis of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
MK J Khan, SR Singer, A Young, N Tanaiutchawoot
Dental Clinics, 2023
Mouse model demonstrates strain differences in susceptibility to opioid side effects
A Young, A Viswanath, M Kalladka, J Khan, E Eliav, SR Diehl
Neuroscience Letters 675, 110-115, 2018
Trigeminal nerve injury following accidental airbag deployment and assessment with quantitative sensory testing
M Kalladka, A Viswanath, J Gomes, E Eliav, R Pertes, G Heir
CRANIO® 25 (2), 138-143, 2007
A new adjunctive tool to aid in the diagnosis of myogenous temporomandibular disorder pain originating from the masseter and temporalis muscles: Twin-block technique
SYP Quek, M Kalladka, V Kanti, G Subramanian
The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society 18 (2), 181-185, 2018
Persistent idiopathic dentoalveolar pain: Is it a central pain disorder?
GM Heir, S Ananthan, M Kalladka, M Kuchukulla, T Renton
Dental Clinics 67 (1), 71-83, 2023
Diagnostic Tool Using the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders: A Randomized Crossover-Controlled, Double-Blinded, Two-Center Study.
A Young, S Gallia, JF Ryan, A Kamimoto, OA Korczeniewska, M Kalladka, ...
Journal of Oral & Facial Pain & Headache 35 (3), 2021
Presentation of cysticercosis of the lateral pterygoid muscle as temporomandibular disorder: A diagnostic and therapeutic challenge
M Kalladka, A Navaneetham, E Eliav, J Khan, G Heir, M Mupparapu
The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society 18 (4), 377-383, 2018
Pre‐emptive administration of gabapentinoids to reduce postoperative pain and opioid usage following oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures
SA Bhavaraju, JS Vorrasi, S Talluri, M Kalladka, J Khan
Oral Surgery 15 (1), 106-115, 2022
Taste changes in orofacial pain conditions and coronavirus disease 2019: a review
J Khan, N Noma, M Kalladka
Frontiers of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine 3, 2021
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