Excited states from time-dependent density functional theory P Elliott, K Burke, F Furche
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252 2015 Partition density-functional theory P Elliott, K Burke, MH Cohen, A Wasserman
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202 2010 Laser-induced intersite spin transfer JK Dewhurst, P Elliott, S Shallcross, EKU Gross, S Sharma
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200 2018 Perspectives on double-excitations in TDDFT P Elliott, S Goldson, C Canahui, NT Maitra
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191 2011 Universal dynamical steps in the exact time-dependent exchange-correlation potential P Elliott, JI Fuks, A Rubio, NT Maitra
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Physical Review Letters 119 (10), 107203, 2017
102 2017 Dynamics of charge-transfer processes with time-dependent density functional theory JI Fuks, P Elliott, A Rubio, NT Maitra
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Scientific Reports 6 (1), 38911, 2016
90 2016 Competing Spin Transfer and Dissipation at Interfaces on Femtosecond Timescales J Chen, U Bovensiepen, A Eschenlohr, T Müller, P Elliott, EKU Gross, ...
Physical Review Letters 122 (6), 067202, 2019
86 2019 Density functional partition theory with fractional occupations P Elliott, MH Cohen, A Wasserman, K Burke
Journal of chemical theory and computation 5 (4), 827-833, 2009
86 2009 Ultrafast demagnetization in bulk versus thin films: an ab initio study K Krieger, P Elliott, T Müller, N Singh, JK Dewhurst, EKU Gross, S Sharma
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72 2017 Propagation of initially excited states in time-dependent density-functional theory P Elliott, NT Maitra
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60 2012 Electronic structure via potential functional approximations A Cangi, D Lee, P Elliott, K Burke, EKU Gross
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53 2011 Leading corrections to local approximations A Cangi, D Lee, P Elliott, K Burke
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48 2010 Efficiency of ultrafast optically induced spin transfer in Heusler compounds D Steil, J Walowski, F Gerhard, T Kiessling, D Ebke, A Thomas, T Kubota, ...
Physical Review Research 2 (2), 023199, 2020
46 2020 Probing the energy conversion pathways between light, carriers, and lattice in real time with attosecond core-level spectroscopy TPH Sidiropoulos, N Di Palo, DE Rivas, S Severino, M Reduzzi, B Nandy, ...
Physical Review X 11 (4), 041060, 2021
45 2021