Professor, CSE, SRM Institute of Science and Technology
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Citované v
Citované v
Extracting Association Rule s from Medical Health Records Using Multi -Criteria Decision Analysis
Lakshmi K.S, Vadivu.G.
Elsevier, 2017
Adaptive deduplication of virtual machine images using AKKA stream to accelerate live migration process in cloud environment
NM Tyj
Journal of Cloud Computing 8 (1), 3, 2019
A novel approach for disease comorbidity prediction using weighted association rule mining
KS Lakshmi, G Vadivu
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-8, 2019
Tracing the fake news propagation path using social network analysis
S Sivasankari, G Vadivu
Soft Computing 26 (23), 12883-12891, 2022
Ontology mapping of Indian medicinal plants with standardized medical terms
G Vadivu, SW Hopper
Journal of Computer Science 8 (9), 1576, 2012
Fine grained sentiment polarity classification using augmented knowledge sequence-attention mechanism
C Sindhu, G Vadivu
Microprocessors and Microsystems 81, 103365, 2021
Research document search using elastic search
R Vidhya, G Vadivu
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (37), 2016
Deduplication techniques: A technical survey
TY Naga Malleswari, D Malathi, G Vadivu
International J Innovative Res Sci Technol 1 (7), 2014
Applying Machine Learning Algorithms for Student Employability Prediction Using R
Vadivu.G, Sornalakshmi.K.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research 43 (1 …, 2017
Indian Sign Language Communicator Using Convolutional Neural Network
DGV Arvind Sreenivas, Mudit Maheshwari, Saiyam Jain, Shalini Choudhary
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (3), 11015 - 11031, 2020
Semantic linking and querying of natural food, chemicals and diseases
G Vadivu, SW Hopper
International Journal of Computer Applications 11 (4), 35-38, 2010
Sentiment analysis and opinion summarization of product feedback
C Sindhu, G Vadivu
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 8 (2S4), 59-64, 2019
MapReduce: A technical review
T Malleswari, G Vadivu
Indian Journal of science and technology 9 (1), 1-6, 2016
Live virtual machine migration techniques—A technical survey
TYJ Naga Malleswari, G Vadivu, D Malathi
Intelligent Computing, Communication and Devices: Proceedings of ICCD 2014 …, 2015
Methods and approaches on spam review detection for sentiment analysis
C Sindhu, G Vadivu, A Singh, R Patel
Int J Pure Appl Math 118 (22), 683-690, 2018
A mobile health intervention to support TB eradication programme for adherence to treatment and a novel QR code based technique to monitor patient–DOTS provider interaction
K Navin, G Vadivu, A Maharaj, T Thomas, S Lavanya
Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms: Proceedings of …, 2018
A Survey on Realtime Analytics Framework for Smart Grid Energy Management
K Sornalakshm, G Vadivu
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and …, 2015
Media bias detection using sentimental analysis and clustering algorithms
S Rawat, G Vadivu
Proceedings of international conference on deep learning, computing and …, 2022
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Advanced Computing Applications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
R Lavanya, A Saksena, A Singh, D Hemanth, G Vadivu, M Sangeetha, ...
Springer, Singapore, 2021
A novel approach for disease comorbidity prediction using weighted association rule mining. J Ambient Intell Humaniz Comput
K Lakshmi, G Vadivu
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