Xiang Zhao
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Citované v
Unsupervised Metric Fusion Over Multiview Data by Graph Random Walk-Based Cross-View Diffusion
Y Wang, W Zhang, L Wu, X Lin, X Zhao
IEEE Trans Neural Netw Learn Syst., 2015
An experimental study of state-of-the-art entity alignment approaches
X Zhao, W Zeng, J Tang, W Wang, FM Suchanek
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 34 (6), 2610-2625, 2020
Collective entity alignment via adaptive features
W Zeng, X Zhao, J Tang, X Lin
2020 IEEE 36th international conference on data engineering (ICDE), 1870-1873, 2020
Efficient Graph Similarity Joins with Edit Distance Constraints
X Zhao, C Xiao, X Lin, W Wang
28th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, 2012
Integrating extractive and abstractive models for long text summarization
S Wang, X Zhao, B Li, B Ge, D Tang
2017 IEEE international congress on big data (BigData congress), 305-312, 2017
Efficient processing of graph similarity queries with edit distance constraints
X Zhao, C Xiao, X Lin, W Wang, Y Ishikawa
The VLDB Journal—The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases 22 (6 …, 2013
Degree-aware alignment for entities in tail
W Zeng, X Zhao, W Wang, J Tang, Z Tan
Proceedings of the 43rd international ACM SIGIR conference on research and …, 2020
A partition-based approach to structure similarity search
X Zhao, C Xiao, X Lin, Q Liu, W Zhang
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 7 (3), 169-180, 2013
Reinforcement learning–based collective entity alignment with adaptive features
W Zeng, X Zhao, J Tang, X Lin, P Groth
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 39 (3), 1-31, 2021
Multi-modal entity alignment in hyperbolic space
H Guo, J Tang, W Zeng, X Zhao, L Liu
Neurocomputing 461, 598-607, 2021
Efficient mining of frequent patterns on uncertain graphs
Y Chen, X Zhao, X Lin, Y Wang, D Guo
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 31 (2), 287-300, 2018
Efficient structure similarity searches: a partition-based approach
X Zhao, C Xiao, X Lin, W Zhang, Y Wang
The VLDB Journal 27 (1), 53-78, 2018
Knowledge graph embedding by relational and entity rotation
X Huang, J Tang, Z Tan, W Zeng, J Wang, X Zhao
Knowledge-Based Systems 229, 107310, 2021
Jointly extracting multiple triplets with multilayer translation constraints
Z Tan, X Zhao, W Wang, W Xiao
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 33 (01), 7080-7087, 2019
Temporal knowledge graph question answering via subgraph reasoning
Z Chen, X Zhao, J Liao, X Li, E Kanoulas
Knowledge-based systems 251, 109134, 2022
Self as method: Thinking through China and the world
B Xiang, Q Wu
Springer Nature, 2023
HAMNER: Headword amplified multi-span distantly supervised method for domain specific named entity recognition
S Liu, Y Sun, B Li, W Wang, X Zhao
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (05), 8401-8408, 2020
Multi-granularity temporal question answering over knowledge graphs
Z Chen, J Liao, X Zhao
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2023
A brief overview of universal sentence representation methods: A linguistic view
R Li, X Zhao, MF Moens
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 55 (3), 1-42, 2022
Towards entity alignment in the open world: An unsupervised approach
W Zeng, X Zhao, J Tang, X Li, M Luo, Q Zheng
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 26th International Conference …, 2021
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