Diego F. Angulo
Diego F. Angulo
Universidad Autónoma "Benito Juárez" de Oaxaca
Žiadny overený e-mail - Domovská stránka
Citované v
Citované v
Host plant phylogeny and abundance predict root‐associated fungal community composition and diversity of mutualists and pathogens
JW Schroeder, JT Martin, DF Angulo, I Arias‐Del Razo, JM Barbosa, ...
Journal of Ecology, 2019
Life form evolution in epidendroid orchids: Ecological consequences of the shift from epiphytism to terrestrial habit in Hexalectris
V Sosa, KM Cameron, DF Angulo, T Hernández-Hernández
Taxon 65 (2), 235-248, 2016
Spatial patterns of species diversity in sand dune plant communities in Yucatan, Mexico: importance of invasive species for species dominance patterns
V Parra-Tabla, C Albor-Pinto, J Tun-Garrido, D Angulo-Pérez, C Barajas, ...
Plant Ecology & Diversity 11 (2), 157-172, 2018
The role of alien species on plant-floral visitor network structure in invaded communities
V Parra-Tabla, D Angulo-Pérez, C Albor, MJ Campos-Navarrete, ...
PLoS One 14 (11), e0218227, 2019
Colonization in North American Arid Lands: The Journey of Agarito (Berberis trifoliolata) Revealed by Multilocus Molecular Data and Packrat Midden Fossil Remains
DF Angulo, LD Amarilla, AM Anton, V Sosa
PloS one 12 (2), e0168933, 2017
Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory
Herbivory Variability Network*†, ML Robinson, PG Hahn, BD Inouye, ...
Science 382 (6671), 679-683, 2023
Patterns of phylogenetic community structure of sand dune plant communities in the Yucatan Peninsula: the role of deterministic and stochastic processes in community assembly
DF Angulo, J Tun-Garrido, G Arceo-Gómez, MA Munguía-Rosas, ...
Plant Ecology & Diversity, 2018
Niche conservatism in the Mesoamerican seasonal tropical dry forest orchid Barkeria (Orchidaceae)
DF Angulo, E Ruiz-Sanchez, V Sosa
Evolutionary Ecology 26, 991-1010, 2012
Phylogeography and population differentiation in Hepatozoon canis (Apicomplexa: Hepatozoidae) reveal expansion and gene flow in world populations
AA Vásquez-Aguilar, A Barbachano-Guerrero, DF Angulo, ...
Parasites & Vectors 14, 1-14, 2021
Munroa argentina, a Grass of the South American Transition Zone, Survived the Andean Uplift, Aridification and Glaciations of the Quaternary
LD Amarilla, AM Anton, JO Chiapella, MM Manifesto, DF Angulo, V Sosa
PLoS One 10 (6), e0128559, 2015
Community composition and diversity of Neotropical root‐associated fungi in common and rare trees
JW Schroeder, JT Martin, DF Angulo, JM Barbosa, R Perea, ...
Biotropica, 2018
Systematics of Mappia (Icacinaceae), an endemic genus of tropical America
DF Angulo, RD de Stefano, GW Stull
Phytotaxa 116 (1), 1-18, 2013
Effects of amount and recurrence of leaf herbivory on the induction of direct and indirect defences in wild cotton
L Abdala‐Roberts, M Reyes‐Hernández, T Quijano‐Medina, X Moreira, ...
Plant Biology 21 (6), 1063-1071, 2019
Emmotum harleyi, a new species from Bahia, Brazil, and lectotypification of other Icacinaceae
RD de Stefano, DF Angulo, FW Stauffer
Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 17 (3), 306-309, 2007
Edible native plants of the Gulf of Mexico Province
EM Piedra-Malagón, V Sosa, DF Angulo, MH Díaz-Toribio
Biodiversity Data Journal 10, e80565, 2022
Plant-functional traits drive insect herbivory in a tropical rainforest tree community
B Ruiz-Guerra, A García, N Velázquez-Rosas, D Angulo, R Guevara
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 48, 125587, 2021
Systematics and phylogeny of Oecopetalum (Metteniusaceae), a genus of trees endemic to North and Central America
HA Hernández-Urban, DF Angulo, M Lascurain-Rangel, ...
Revista de Biología Tropical 67 (4), 888-900, 2019
Variation in leaf traits across a precipitation gradient in coastal sand dunes in Yucatan Peninsula
MA Munguía-Rosas, DF Angulo, G Arceo-Gómez, V Parra-Tabla
Journal of Arid Environments 162, 10-17, 2019
Floral movements: stamen motion in Berberis trifoliolata
DF Angulo, V Sosa, JG García-Franco
Botanical Sciences 92 (1), 141-144, 2014
The online Flora of Mexico: eFloraMEX
V Sosa, LO Alvarado-Cárdenas, RD Stefano, JG González-Gallegos, ...
Botanical Sciences 101 (2), 324-340, 2023
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