Dedy Haryanto
Dedy Haryanto
Badan Riset Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)
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Citované v
Estimation of natural circulation flow based on temperature in the FASSIP-02 large-scale test loop facility
M Juarsa, AR Antariksawan, MH Kusuma, D Haryanto, N Putra
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 105 (1), 012091, 2018
Numerical study on natural circulation characteristics in FASSIP-02 experimental facility using RELAP5 code
AR Antariksawan, S Widodo, M Juarsa, D Haryanto, MH Kusuma, N Putra
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 105 (1), 012090, 2018
Simulation of operational conditions of FASSIP-02 natural circulation cooling system experimental loop
AR Antariksawan, S Widodo, M Juarsa, D Haryanto, MH Kusuma, N Putra
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nuclear …, 2018
An experimental analysis on nusselt number of natural circulation flow in transient condition based on the height differences between heater and cooler
M Juarsa, JP Witoko, G Giarno, D Haryanto, JH Purba
National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia, 2018
The simulation of heat transfers and flow characterization on wickless loop heat pipe
A Rosidi, G Giarno, D Haryanto, YDS Pambudi, MH Kusuma
Jurnal Polimesin 20 (1), 29-35, 2022
Kiswanta, Topan Setiadipura, Koes Indrakoesoema, Rokhmadi,“Mechatronic Design and Analysis of Reaktor Daya Experimental Components”
K Handono, E Sumarno, D Haryanto
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 9 (8), 405-414, 2018
Analisis kekuatan mekanik water cooling tank pada fasilitas uji untai PASSIF-02 menggunakan CATIA
DH Haryanto, G Giarno, JP Witoko, S Hatmoko, K Santosa, M Juarsa, ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin POROS 16 (1), 79-85, 2018
MJ Dedy Haryanto, Giarno, G. Bambang Heru K.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Energi Nuklir 2020, 2020
Analisis Unjuk Kerja Pemanas dan Pendingin Di Untai Fasilitas Simulasi Sistem Pasif
M Noufal, G Giarno, J Prasetio, D Haryanto, M Juarsa
SIGMA EPSILON-Buletin Ilmiah Teknologi Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir 19 (2), 2016
Experimental investigation of thermal characteristics on a new loop pipe model for passive cooling system
MH Kusuma, D Haryanto, S Hatmoko, YDS Pambudi, SL ButarButar, ...
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 50, 102555, 2024
Analisis kekuatan mekanik desain bejana molecular sieve
D Haryanto, A Rosidi, G Giarno, JP Witoko
SIGMA EPSILON-Buletin Ilmiah Teknologi Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir 24 (1), 44-53, 2020
Analisis Tegangan Mekanik Dan Translational Displacement Pada Struktur Experiment Kanal
D Haryanto, K Santosa
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Energi Nuklir, 2015
Efisiensi Heating Tank Section pada Kondisi Tunak Berdasarkan Variasi Daya Pemanas
D Haryanto, A Rosidi, PH Setiawan, M Juarsa
Seminar Nasional Riset dan Inovasi Teknologi (SEMNAS RISTEK) 7 (1), 2023
Analisis Unjuk Kerja Rancangan Steam Condensation Tank Berbasis Simulasi Software
D Haryanto, A Rosidi, G Giarno, S Susyadi, M Juarsa
SIGMA EPSILON-Buletin Ilmiah Teknologi Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir 25 (1), 32-43, 2021
Estimasi Perhitungan Kalor dan Laju Aliran Kalor Pada Untai FASSIP-02
LF Ningsih, AR Sofyan, G Giarno, D Haryanto, JP Witoko, M Juarsa
SIGMA EPSILON-Buletin Ilmiah Teknologi Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir 22 (1), 2018
Kuat Penerangan (Iluminasi) Ruang Kendali Utama Untai Uji Termohidrolika Ptrkn-Batan
D Haryanto, E Karyanta, P Paidjo
SIGMA EPSILON-Buletin Ilmiah Teknologi Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir 12 (1), 2008
Perhitungan dan penentuan jenis aliran pada untai FASSIP-03 NT saat komisioning berdasarkan variasi daya pemanas
D Haryanto, A Rosidi, G Giarno, M Juarsa, T Dermawan, RN Wijaya, ...
Prosiding Sains Nasional dan Teknologi 12 (1), 90-97, 2022
Mechanical strength analysis on heating tank section in the FASSIP-03 NT loop based on computer-aided simulation
D Haryanto, G Giarno, GB Heru K, A Rosidi, M Juarsa
AIP Conference Proceedings 2501 (1), 2022
The mechanical strength analysis on the pool tub of loop heat pipe prototype using CATIA software
D Haryanto, G Giarno, A Rosidi, NA Wahanani, MH Kusuma
Jurnal Polimesin 20 (1), 13-17, 2022
Assessment of RELAP5 code model to simulate U-shaped heat pipe performance for heat sink
AR Antariksawan, MH Kusuma, S Widodo, M Juarsa, H Tjahyono, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1198 (2), 022063, 2019
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