Richard Bulmer
Richard Bulmer
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Blue carbon stocks and cross-habitat subsidies
RH Bulmer, F Stephenson, HFE Jones, M Townsend, JR Hillman, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 380, 2020
Sediment properties and CO2 efflux from intact and cleared temperate mangrove forests
RH Bulmer, CJ Lundquist, L Schwendenmann
Biogeosciences 12 (20), 6169-6180, 2015
The dynamics of expanding mangroves in New Zealand
EM Horstman, CJ Lundquist, KR Bryan, RH Bulmer, JC Mullarney, ...
Threats to mangrove forests: hazards, vulnerability, and management, 23-51, 2018
Benthic primary production in emerged intertidal habitats provides resilience to high water column turbidity
TP Drylie, AM Lohrer, HR Needham, RH Bulmer, CA Pilditch
Journal of sea research 142, 101-112, 2018
Carbon and nitrogen stocks and below-ground allometry in temperate mangroves
RH Bulmer, L Schwendenmann, CJ Lundquist
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 150, 2016
Elevated turbidity and the nutrient removal capacity of seagrass
RH Bulmer, M Townsend, T Drylie, AM Lohrer
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 462, 2018
Sediment carbon and nutrient fluxes from cleared and intact temperate mangrove ecosystems and adjacent sandflats
RH Bulmer, L Schwendenmann, AM Lohrer, CJ Lundquist
Science of the Total Environment 599, 1874-1884, 2017
Using Gradient Forests to summarize patterns in species turnover across large spatial scales and inform conservation planning
F Stephenson, JR Leathwick, SW Geange, RH Bulmer, JE Hewitt, ...
Diversity and Distributions 24 (11), 1641-1656, 2018
Changes in benthic community structure and sediment characteristics after natural recolonisation of the seagrass Zostera muelleri
CJ Lundquist, TC Jones, SM Parkes, RH Bulmer
Scientific reports 8 (1), 13250, 2018
Allometric Models for Estimating Aboveground Biomass, Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks in Temperate Avicennia marina Forests
RH Bulmer, L Schwendenmann, CJ Lundquist
Wetlands 36, 841-848, 2016
Light requirements of the seagrass, Zostera muelleri, determined by observations at the maximum depth limit in a temperate estuary, New Zealand
RH Bulmer, S Kelly, AG Jeffs
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 50 (2), 183-194, 2016
Understanding the consequences of sea level rise: the ecological implications of losing intertidal habitat
V Rullens, S Mangan, F Stephenson, DE Clark, RH Bulmer, A Berthelsen, ...
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 56 (3), 353-370, 2022
Hanging basket oyster farming: assessing effects on seagrass using aerial photography
R Bulmer, S Kelly, AG Jeffs
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 2 (3), 285-292, 2012
Challenges for the conservation of marine small natural features
CJ Lundquist, RH Bulmer, MR Clark, JR Hillman, WA Nelson, CR Norrie, ...
Biological Conservation 211, 69-79, 2017
Informing the management of multiple stressors on estuarine ecosystems using an expert-based Bayesian Network model
RH Bulmer, F Stephenson, AM Lohrer, CJ Lundquist, A Madarasz-Smith, ...
Journal of environmental management 301, 113576, 2022
Old tools, new ways of using them: Harnessing expert opinions to plan for surprise in marine socio-ecological systems
RV Gladstone-Gallagher, JA Hope, RH Bulmer, DE Clark, F Stephenson, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 696, 2019
Guidelines for managing mangrove (Mānawa) expansion in New Zealand
C Lundquist, K Carter, SF Hailes, R Bulmer
NIWA, 2017
Taura kuku: prioritising Māori knowledge and resources to create biodegradable mussel spat settlement lines for shellfish restoration in Ōhiwa harbour
K Paul-Burke, R Ngarimu-Cameron, J Burke, R Bulmer, K Cameron, ...
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 56 (3), 570-584, 2022
Assessing mangrove clearance methods to minimise adverse impacts and maximise the potential to achieve restoration objectives
RH Bulmer, M Lewis, EO Donnell, CJ Lundquist
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 17, 2016
Global dataset of soil organic carbon in tidal marshes
TL Maxwell, AS Rovai, MF Adame, JB Adams, J Álvarez-Rogel, ...
Scientific data 10 (1), 797, 2023
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