Simon Steyskal
Simon Steyskal
Siemens AG Austria Vienna & Vienna University of Economics and Business
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Citované v
Citované v
Creating a vocabulary for data privacy: The first-year report of data privacy vocabularies and controls community group (DPVCG)
HJ Pandit, A Polleres, B Bos, R Brennan, B Bruegger, FJ Ekaputra, ...
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2019 Conferences …, 2019
Legislative compliance assessment: framework, model and GDPR instantiation
S Agarwal, S Steyskal, F Antunovic, S Kirrane
Privacy Technologies and Policy: 6th Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2018 …, 2018
Defining expressive access policies for linked data using the ODRL ontology 2.0
S Steyskal, A Polleres
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 20-23, 2014
Towards formal semantics for ODRL policies
S Steyskal, A Polleres
International Symposium on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic …, 2015
Automated rights clearance using semantic web technologies: The DALICC framework
T Pellegrini, V Mireles, S Steyskal, O Panasiuk, A Fensel, S Kirrane
Semantic Applications: Methodology, Technology, Corporate Use, 203-218, 2018
If you can't enforce it, contract it: Enforceability in Policy-Driven (Linked) Data Markets.
S Steyskal, S Kirrane
Semantics (posters & demos), 63-66, 2015
A genealogy and classification of rights expression languages-preliminary results
T Pellegrini, A Schönhofer, S Kirrane, S Steyskal, A Fensel, O Panasiuk, ...
Data Protection/LegalTech-Proceedings of the 21st International Legal …, 2018
Data integration for open data on the web
S Neumaier, A Polleres, S Steyskal, J Umbrich
Reasoning Web. Semantic Interoperability on the Web: 13th International …, 2017
SHACL Advanced Features
H Knublauch, D Allemang, S Steyskal
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 6, 2017
Integrating Distributed Configurations With RDFS and SPARQL.
G Schenner, S Bischof, A Polleres, S Steyskal
Configuration Workshop 1220, 9-15, 2014
DALICC: a license management framework for digital assets
T Pellegrini, G Havur, S Steyskal, O Panasiuk, A Fensel, V Mireles, ...
Proceedings of the Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion (IRIS) 10, 2019
Self-enforcing access control for encrypted RDF
JD Fernández, S Kirrane, A Polleres, S Steyskal
European Semantic Web Conference, 607-622, 2017
HDTcrypt: Compression and encryption of RDF datasets
JD Fernández, S Kirrane, A Polleres, S Steyskal
Semantic Web 11 (2), 337-359, 2020
Leveraging Semantic Web Technologies for Consistency Management in Multi-Viewpoint Systems Engineering
S Steyskal, M Wimmer
Semantic Web for Intelligent Engineering Applications, 1-24, 0
Modeling and reasoning over data licenses
O Panasiuk, S Steyskal, G Havur, A Fensel, S Kirrane
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2018 Satellite Events: ESWC 2018 Satellite Events …, 2018
On Synergies between Model Transformations and Semantic Web Technologies.
R Bill, S Steyskal, M Wimmer, G Kappel
MPM@ MoDELS, 31-40, 2014
A framework for safety-critical process management in engineering projects
S Bala, C Cabanillas, A Haselböck, G Havur, J Mendling, A Polleres, ...
Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis: 5th IFIP WG 2.6 International …, 2017
Towards querying in decentralized environments with privacy-preserving aggregation
R Taelman, S Steyskal, S Kirrane
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.06265, 2020
DALICC: A Framework for Publishing and Consuming Data Assets Legally.
G Havur, S Steyskal, O Panasiuk, A Fensel, V Mireles, T Pellegrini, ...
SEMANTiCS (Posters & Demos), 2018
Mix’n’Match: An Alternative Approach for Combining Ontology Matchers: (Short Paper)
S Steyskal, A Polleres
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2013
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