Annalisa Malusa
Annalisa Malusa
Permanent researcher of Mathematical Analysis, "La Sapienza" University of Rome
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Citované v
The distance function from the boundary in a Minkowski space
G Crasta, A Malusa
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 359 (12), 5725-5759, 2007
Some properties of reachable solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations with measure data
G Dal Maso, A Malusa
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa-Classe di Scienze 25 (1-2 …, 1997
A new proof of the stability of renormalized solutions to elliptic equations with measure data
A Malusa
Asymptotic Analysis 43 (1-2), 111-129, 2005
Approximation of relaxed Dirichlet problems by boundary value problems in perforated domains
G Dal Maso, A Malusa
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 125 (1 …, 1995
On the relaxed formulation of some shape optimization problems
G Buttazzo, G Dal Maso, A Garroni, A Malusa
Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications 7, 1-24, 1997
Stability of renormalized solutions of elliptic equations with measure data
A Malusa, A Prignet
Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena Reggio Emilia 52 (1), 151-168, 2004
Existence results for noncoercive variational problems
G Crasta, A Malusa
SIAM journal on control and optimization 34 (6), 2064-2076, 1996
Renormalized solutions to elliptic equations with measure data in unbounded domains
A Malusa, MM Porzio
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 67 (8), 2370-2389, 2007
Pairings between bounded divergence-measure vector fields and BV functions
G Crasta, V De Cicco, A Malusa
Advances in Calculus of Variations 15 (4), 787-810, 2022
Existence and regularity results for relaxed Dirichlet problems with measure data
A Malusa, L Orsina
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 170 (1), 57-87, 1996
A nonhomogeneous boundary value problem in mass transfer theory
G Crasta, A Malusa
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 44 (1), 61-80, 2012
Representation formulas for pairings between divergence-measure fields and BV functions
GE Comi, G Crasta, V De Cicco, A Malusa
Journal of Functional Analysis 286 (1), 110192, 2024
Euler-Lagrange inclusions and existence of minimizers for a class of non-coercive variational problems
G Crasta, A Malusa
Journal of Convex Analysis 7 (1), 167-182, 2000
On a system of partial differential equations of Monge-Kantorovich type
G Crasta, A Malusa
Journal of Differential Equations 235 (2), 484-509, 2007
Nonconvex minimization problems for functionals defined on vector valued functions
G Crasta, A Malusa
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 254 (2), 538-557, 2001
On the Finsler metrics obtained as limit of chessboard structures
MAGCA Malusa
Journal: Adv. Calc. Var 2, 321-360, 0
A variational approach to the macroscopic electrodynamics of anisotropic hard superconductors
G Crasta, A Malusa
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 192, 87-115, 2009
Approximation of relaxed Dirichlet problems
A Braides, A Malusa
Calculus of variations, homogenization and continuum mechanics, Ser. Adv …, 1994
Crystalline evolutions in chessboard-like microstructures
A Malusa, M Novaga
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.06775, 2017
A sharp uniqueness result for a class of variational problems solved by a distance function
G Crasta, A Malusa
Journal of Differential Equations 243 (2), 427-447, 2007
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