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Geoelectrical and hydrogeochemical studies for delineating seawater intrusion in the outlet of Wadi Ham, UAE
M Sherif, AE Mahmoudi, H Garamoon, A Kacimov, S Akram, A Ebraheem, ...
Environmental geology 49, 536-551, 2006
Modeling groundwater flow and seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of Wadi Ham, UAE
M Sherif, A Kacimov, A Javadi, AA Ebraheem
Water resources management 26, 751-774, 2012
Non-iterative estimation of heat transfer coefficients using artificial neural network models
SS Sablani, A Kacimov, J Perret, AS Mujumdar, A Campo
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (3-4), 665-679, 2005
Control of sea-water intrusion by salt-water pumping: Coast of Oman
AR Kacimov, MM Sherif, JS Perret, A Al-Mushikhi
Hydrogeology Journal 17 (3), 541, 2009
Mass fractal dimension of soil macropores using computed tomography: from the box‐counting to the cube‐counting algorithm
JS Perret, SO Prasher, AR Kacimov
European Journal of Soil Science 54 (3), 569-579, 2003
Assessment of groundwater quality in the northeastern coastal area of UAE as precursor for desalination
M Sherif, M Mohamed, A Kacimov, A Shetty
Desalination 273 (2-3), 436-446, 2011
Seepage optimization for trapezoidal channel
AR Kacimov
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering 118 (4), 520-526, 1992
Conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water resources with aquifer recharge by treated wastewater: evaluation of management scenarios in the Zarqa River Basin, Jordan
M El-Rawy, VA Zlotnik, M Al-Raggad, A Al-Maktoumi, A Kacimov, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-21, 2016
Explicit calculation of the friction factor in pipeline flow of Bingham plastic fluids: a neural network approach
SS Sablani, WH Shayya, A Kacimov
Chemical Engineering Science 58 (1), 99-106, 2003
Home gardening in Muscat, Oman: Gardeners’ practices, perceptions and motivations
A Al-Mayahi, S Al-Ismaily, T Gibreel, A Kacimov, A Al-Maktoumi
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 38, 286-294, 2019
Analytical solution for a sharp interface problem in sea water intrusion into a coastal aquifer
AR Kacimov, YV Obnosov
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2001
based learning for undergraduate students in soil and water sciences: a case study of hydropedology in an arid-zone environment
A Al-Maktoumi, S Al-Ismaily, A Kacimov
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 40 (3), 321-339, 2016
Analytical solutions of seepage theory problems. Inverse method, variational theorems, optimization and estimates (a review)
NB Ilyinsky, AR Kacimov, ND Yakimov
Fluid dynamics 33 (2), 157-168, 1998
Constructal design of permeable reactive barriers: groundwater-hydraulics criteria
AR Kacimov, H Klammler, N Il’yinskii, K Hatfield
Journal of Engineering Mathematics 71, 319-338, 2011
Green-Ampt one-dimensional infiltration from a ponded surface into a heterogeneous soil
AR Kacimov, S Al-Ismaily, A Al-Maktoumi
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering 136 (1), 68-72, 2010
Morphed block-crack preferential sedimentation in a reservoir bed: a smart design and evolution in nature
SS Al-Ismaily, AK Al-Maktoumi, AR Kacimov, SM Al-Saqri, HA Al-Busaidi, ...
Hydrological sciences journal 58 (8), 1779-1788, 2013
Soil substrate as a cascade of capillary barriers for conserving water in a desert environment: lessons learned from arid nature
A Al-Maktoumi, S Al-Ismaily, A Kacimov, H Al-Busaidi, S Al-Saqri, ...
Journal of Arid Land 6, 690-703, 2014
Problems of seepage to empty ditch and drain
NB Ilyinsky, AR Kacimov
Water resources research 28 (3), 871-877, 1992
Infiltration into two-layered soil: the green–ampt and averyanov models revisited
A Al-Maktoumi, A Kacimov, S Al-Ismaily, H Al-Busaidi, S Al-Saqri
Transport in Porous Media 109, 169-193, 2015
Analytical solution and shape optimization for groundwater flow through a leaky porous trough subjacent to an aquifer
AR Kacimov
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2006
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