Alan A. Luo
Alan A. Luo
Donald D. Glower Chair in Engineering and Professor at The Ohio State University
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Citované v
Recent magnesium alloy development for elevated temperature applications
AA Luo
International materials reviews 49 (1), 13-30, 2004
Cast magnesium alloys for elevated temperature applications
A Luo, MO Pekguleryuz
Journal of materials science 29, 5259-5271, 1994
Magnesium casting technology for structural applications
AA Luo
journal of Magnesium and Alloys 1 (1), 2-22, 2013
Magnesium: Current and potential automotive applications
AA Luo
jom 54, 42-48, 2002
Twinning and texture development in two Mg alloys subjected to loading along three different strain paths
L Jiang, JJ Jonas, RK Mishra, AA Luo, AK Sachdev, S Godet
Acta Materialia 55 (11), 3899-3910, 2007
Processing, microstructure, and mechanical behavior of cast magnesium metal matrix composites
A Luo
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 26, 2445-2455, 1995
Creep and microstructure of magnesium-aluminum-calcium based alloys
AA Luo, BR Powell, MP Balogh
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 33, 567-574, 2002
Influence of cerium on texture and ductility of magnesium extrusions
RK Mishra, AK Gupta, PR Rao, AK Sachdev, AM Kumar, AA Luo
Essential Readings in Magnesium Technology, 363-368, 2016
Influence of {10-12} extension twinning on the flow behavior of AZ31 Mg alloy
L Jiang, JJ Jonas, AA Luo, AK Sachdev, S Godet
Materials Science and Engineering: A 445, 302-309, 2007
Twinning-induced softening in polycrystalline AM30 Mg alloy at moderate temperatures
L Jiang, JJ Jonas, AA Luo, AK Sachdev, S Godet
Scripta Materialia 54 (5), 771-775, 2006
An investigation of the properties of Mg-Zn-Al alloys
Z Zhang, A Couture, A Luo
Scripta Materialia 39 (1), 45-53, 1998
Low cycle fatigue properties of an extruded AZ31 magnesium alloy
S Begum, DL Chen, S Xu, AA Luo
International Journal of Fatigue 31 (4), 726-735, 2009
Use of Schmid factors to select extension twin variants in extruded magnesium alloy tubes
S Godet, L Jiang, AA Luo, JJ Jonas
Scripta materialia 55 (11), 1055-1058, 2006
Recent magnesium alloy development for automotive powertrain applications
AA Luo
Materials Science Forum 419, 57-66, 2003
Lightweight, Strong, Moldable Wood via Cell Wall Engineering as a Sustainable Structural Material
LH S. Xiao, C. Chen, Q. Xia, Y. Yao, Q. Chen, M. Hartsfield, Y. Liu, A ...
Science 374 (6566), 465-471, 2021
Advanced lightweight materials and manufacturing processes for automotive applications
AI Taub, AA Luo
Mrs Bulletin 40 (12), 1045-1054, 2015
Materials for automotive lightweighting
A Taub, E De Moor, A Luo, DK Matlock, JG Speer, U Vaidya
Annual Review of Materials Research 49 (1), 327-359, 2019
The evolution of technology for materials processing over the last 50 years: The automotive example
AI Taub, PE Krajewski, AA Luo, JN Owens
Jom 59, 48-57, 2007
Magnesium castings for automotive applications
A Luo, J Renaud, I Nakatsugawa, J Plourde
Jom 47 (7), 28-31, 1995
Effect of strain ratio and strain rate on low cycle fatigue behavior of AZ31 wrought magnesium alloy
S Begum, DL Chen, S Xu, AA Luo
Materials Science and Engineering: A 517 (1-2), 334-343, 2009
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