Wen-Hao Chen
Wen-Hao Chen
Statistics Canada, OECD
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Child poverty and changes in child poverty
WH Chen, M Corak
Demography 45 (3), 537-553, 2008
Intergenerational earnings mobility among the children of Canadian immigrants
A Aydemir, WH Chen, M Corak
The Review of Economics and Statistics 91 (2), 377-397, 2009
Intergenerational education mobility among the children of Canadian immigrants
A Aydemir, WH Chen, M Corak
Canadian Public Policy 39 (Supplement 1), S107-S122, 2013
Why have poorer neighbourhoods stagnated economically while the richer have flourished? Neighbourhood income inequality in Canadian cities
WH Chen, J Myles, G Picot
Urban Studies 49 (4), 877-896, 2012
How do macro-level contexts and policies affect the employment chances of chronically ill and disabled people? Part I: The impact of recession and deindustrialization
P Holland, B Burström, M Whitehead, F Diderichsen, E Dahl, B Barr, ...
International Journal of Health Services 41 (3), 395-413, 2011
Cross‐national differences in income mobility: evidence from Canada, the United States, Great Britain and Germany
WH Chen
Review of Income and Wealth 55 (1), 75-100, 2009
Lifecycle variation, errors-in-variables bias and nonlinearities in intergenerational income transmission: new evidence from Canada
WH Chen, Y Ostrovsky, P Piraino
Labour Economics 44, 1-12, 2017
How do macro-level contexts and policies affect the employment chances of chronically ill and disabled people? Part II: The impact of active and passive labor market policies
P Holland, L Nylén, K Thielen, KA van der Wel, WH Chen, B Barr, ...
International journal of health services 41 (3), 415-430, 2011
Child poverty and changes in child poverty in rich countries since 1990
WH Chen, M Corak
IZA Discussion Papers, 2005
The effect of unemployment on life satisfaction: A cross-national comparison between Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States
WH Chen, F Hou
Applied Research in Quality of Life 14, 1035-1058, 2019
Assessing Job Quality in Canada: A Multidimensional Approach
WHCT Mehdi
Statistics Canada Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper Series, 2018
Workforce composition, productivity and pay: the role of firms in wage inequality
C Criscuolo, A Hijzen, C Schwellnus, E Barth, WH Chen, R Fabling, ...
IZA Discussion Papers, 2020
European health inequality through the ‘Great Recession’: social policy matters
KA Van der Wel, T Saltkjel, WH Chen, E Dahl, K Halvorsen
Sociology of health & illness 40 (4), 750-768, 2018
Intergenerational Education Mobility and Labour Market Outcomes: Variation among the Second Generation of Immigrants in Canada. Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper Series.
WH Chen, F Hou
Statistics Canada, 2019
Divided We Stand: Why Inequality Keeps Rising
WH Chen, M Forster, A Llena-Nozal
OECD Publishing, 2011
Demographic or labour market trends: What determines the distribution of household earnings in OECD countries?
WH Chen, M Förster, A Llena-Nozal
OECD Journal. Economic Studies 2013 (1), 179, 2013
The firm-level link between productivity dispersion and wage inequality: A symptom of low job mobility?
C Criscuolo, A Hijzen, M Koelle, C Schwellnus, E Barth, WH Chen, ...
OECD, 2021
Comparing Low Income of Canada's Regions: A Stochastic Dominance Approach
WH Chen
Income Research Paper Series, Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 75F0002M, 2008
Inequalities in extending working lives beyond age 60 in Canada, Denmark, Sweden and England—By gender, level of education and health
A McAllister, T Bodin, H Brønnum-Hansen, L Harber-Aschan, B Barr, ...
PloS one 15 (8), e0234900, 2020
Intergenerational Income Mobility: New Evidence from Canada
WH Chen, Y Ostrovsky, P Piraino
Statistics Canada, 2016
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