Multi-focus image fusion using dictionary-based sparse representation M Nejati, S Samavi, S Shirani
Information fusion 25, 72-84, 2015
524 2015 Subjective and objective quality assessment of image: A survey P Mohammadi, A Ebrahimi-Moghadam, S Shirani
arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.7799, 2014
302 2014 Optimal mode selection and synchronization for robust video communications over error-prone networks G Cote, S Shirani, F Kossentini
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 18 (6), 952-965, 2000
289 2000 Fully Integrated Single Photon Avalanche Diode Detector in Standard CMOS 0.18- m Technology N Faramarzpour, MJ Deen, S Shirani, Q Fang
IEEE Transactions on electron devices 55 (3), 760-767, 2008
216 2008 Automatic monocular system for human fall detection based on variations in silhouette area B Mirmahboub, S Samavi, N Karimi, S Shirani
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 60 (2), 427-436, 2012
188 2012 CMOS-based active pixel for low-light-level detection: analysis and measurements N Faramarzpour, MJ Deen, S Shirani, Q Fang, LWC Liu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 54 (12), 3229-3237, 2007
149 2007 A concealment method for video communications in an error-prone environment S Shirani, F Kossentini, R Ward
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 18 (6), 1122-1128, 2000
112 2000 An EM algorithm for nonlinear state estimation with model uncertainties A Zia, T Kirubarajan, JP Reilly, D Yee, K Punithakumar, S Shirani
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56 (3), 921-936, 2008
102 2008 A robust multimedia watermarking technique using Zernike transform M Farzam, S Shirani
2001 IEEE Fourth Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (Cat. No. 01TH8564 …, 2001
90 2001 Multiple description image coding using pre-and post-processing S Shirani, M Gallant, F Kossentini
Proceedings International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and …, 2001
82 2001 Affine motion prediction based on translational motion vectors RC Kordasiewicz, MD Gallant, S Shirani
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 17 (10), 1388 …, 2007
78 2007 Steganalysis and payload estimation of embedding in pixel differences using neural networks V Sabeti, S Samavi, M Mahdavi, S Shirani
Pattern Recognition 43 (1), 405-415, 2010
76 2010 Toward a miniaturized wireless fluorescence-based diagnostic imaging system M Kfouri, O Marinov, P Quevedo, N Faramarzpour, S Shirani, LWC Liu, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 14 (1), 226-234, 2008
75 2008 Reconstruction of baseline JPEG coded images in error prone environments S Shirani, F Kossentini, R Ward
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9 (7), 1292-1299, 2000
75 2000 Geometrical analysis of localization error in stereo vision systems F Fooladgar, S Samavi, SMR Soroushmehr, S Shirani
IEEE Sensors Journal 13 (11), 4236-4246, 2013
62 2013 An adaptive LSB matching steganography based on octonary complexity measure V Sabeti, S Samavi, S Shirani
Multimedia tools and applications 64, 777-793, 2013
60 2013 A concealment method for shape information in MPEG-4 coded video sequences S Shirani, B Erol, F Kossentini
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2 (3), 185-190, 2000
59 2000 A weighted KNN epipolar geometry-based approach for vision-based indoor localization using smartphone cameras H Sadeghi, S Valaee, S Shirani
2014 IEEE 8th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM …, 2014
58 2014 Hardware implementation of the optimized transform and quantization blocks of H. 264 R Kordasiewicz, S Shirani
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2004 (IEEE Cat …, 2004
58 2004 ASIC and FPGA implementations of H. 264 DCT and quantization blocks RC Kordasiewicz, S Shirani
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2005 3, III-1020, 2005
57 2005