Motor development KE Adolph, CM Hospodar Developmental Science, 234-269, 2024 | 833 | 2024 |
Handbook of the life course JT Mortimer, MJ Shanahan Springer Science & Business Media, 2007 | 808 | 2007 |
Working and growing up in America JT Mortimer, JT Mortimer Harvard University Press, 2009 | 624 | 2009 |
Work experience and occupational value socialization: A longitudinal study JT Mortimer, J Lorence American journal of sociology 84 (6), 1361-1385, 1979 | 575 | 1979 |
Adult socialization JT Mortimer, RG Simmons Annual review of sociology 4, 421-454, 1978 | 573 | 1978 |
Volunteerism in adolescence: A process perspective MK Johnson, T Beebe, JT Mortimer, M Snyder Journal of research on adolescence 8 (3), 309-332, 1998 | 495 | 1998 |
Volunteerism during the transition to adulthood: A life course perspective S Oesterle, MK Johnson, JT Mortimer Social forces 82 (3), 1123-1149, 2004 | 464 | 2004 |
Handbook of the life course GH Elder Jr, MK Johnson, R Crosnoe, JT Mortimer, MJ Shanahan Springer US, 2003 | 453 | 2003 |
The process of occupational decision making: Patterns during the transition to adulthood JT Mortimer, MJ Zimmer-Gembeck, M Holmes, MJ Shanahan Journal of vocational behavior 61 (3), 439-465, 2002 | 445 | 2002 |
Understanding the effects of Covid-19 through a life course lens RA Settersten Jr, L Bernardi, J Härkönen, TC Antonucci, PA Dykstra, ... Advances in Life Course Research 45, 100360, 2020 | 419 | 2020 |
Safety nets and scaffolds: Parental support in the transition to adulthood TT Swartz, M Kim, M Uno, J Mortimer, KB O'Brien Journal of Marriage and Family 73 (2), 414-429, 2011 | 382 | 2011 |
Subjective age identity and the transition to adulthood: When do adolescents become adults? MJ Shanahan, EJ Porfeli, JT Mortimer, LD Erickson On the frontier of adulthood, 225-255, 2008 | 367 | 2008 |
Persistence and change in development: The multidimensional self-concept JT Mortimer, MD Finch, D Kumka Life-span development and behavior 4, 263-313, 1982 | 353 | 1982 |
The effects of work intensity on adolescent mental health, achievement, and behavioral adjustment: New evidence from a prospective study JT Mortimer, MD Finch, S Ryu, MJ Shanahan, KT Call Child development 67 (3), 1243-1261, 1996 | 346 | 1996 |
Work, family, and personality: Transition to adulthood. JT Mortimer, J Lorence, DS Kumka Ablex Publishing, 1986 | 303 | 1986 |
Lifespan development: Resources, challenges and risks LB Hendry, M Kloep (No Title), 2002 | 298 | 2002 |
Arenas of comfort in adolescence: A study of adjustment in context JT Mortimer, KT Call Psychology Press, 2001 | 298 | 2001 |
Adolescent work, vocational development, and education MJ Zimmer-Gembeck, JT Mortimer Review of educational research 76 (4), 537-566, 2006 | 282 | 2006 |
Job involvement through the life course: A panel study of three age groups J Lorence, JT Mortimer American Sociological Review, 618-638, 1985 | 274 | 1985 |
Career choice and development from a sociological perspective MK Johnson, JT Mortimer Career choice and development 4, 37-81, 2002 | 241 | 2002 |