Sudip Kumar Haldar
Sudip Kumar Haldar
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Impact of the range of the interaction on the quantum dynamics of a bosonic Josephson junction
SK Haldar, OE Alon
Chemical Physics 509, 72-80, 2018
Resonance states and quantum tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates in a three-dimensional shallow trap.
SK Haldar, B Chakrabarti, TK Das
Physical Review A 82 (4), 043616, 2010
Impact of the transverse direction on the many-body tunneling dynamics in a two-dimensional bosonic Josephson junction
A Bhowmik, SK Haldar, OE Alon
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 21476, 2020
Many-body quantum dynamics of an asymmetric bosonic Josephson junction
SK Haldar, OE Alon
New Journal of Physics 21, 103037, 2019
Condensate fraction and critical temperature of interacting Bose gas in anharmonic trap
SK Haldar, B Chakrabarti, S Bhattacharyya, TK Das
The European Physical Journal D 68, 1-10, 2014
Fidelity decay and entropy production in many-particle systems after random interaction quench
SK Haldar, ND Chavda, M Vyas, VKB Kota
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2016 (4), 043101, 2016
Level-spacing statistics and spectral correlations in diffuse van der Waals clusters
SK Haldar, B Chakrabarti, ND Chavda, TK Das, S Canuto, VKB Kota
Physical Review A 89 (4), 043607, 2014
Correlated many-body calculation to study characteristics of Shannon information entropy for ultracold trapped interacting bosons
SK Haldar, B Chakrabarti, TK Das, A Biswas
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (3), 033602, 2013
Energy-level statistics of interacting trapped bosons
B Chakrabarti, A Biswas, VKB Kota, K Roy, SK Haldar
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (1), 013637, 2012
Many-body quantum dynamics of a bosonic josephson junction with a finite-range interaction
SK Haldar, OE Alon
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1206 (1), 012010, 2019
Macroscopic quantum many-body tunneling of attractive Bose-Einstein condensate in anharmonic trap
SK Haldar, PK Debnath, B Chakrabarti
The European Physical Journal D 67, 1-10, 2013
Relaxation of Shannon entropy for trapped interacting bosons with dipolar interactions
S Bera, SK Haldar, B Chakrabarti, A Trombettoni, VKB Kota
The European Physical Journal D 74, 1-10, 2020
Spectral fluctuation and noise in the energy level statistics of interacting trapped bosons
K Roy, B Chakrabarti, A Biswas, VKB Kota, SK Haldar
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (6 …, 2012
Supersymmetric Isospectral Formalism for the Calculation of Near-Zero Energy States: Application to the Very Weakly Bound 4He Trimer Excited State
SK Haldar, B Chakrabarti, T Das
Few-Body Systems 53 (3-4), 283, 2012
Predicting a topological quantum phase transition from dynamics via multisite entanglement
LGC Lakkaraju, SK Haldar, A Sen
Physical Review A 109 (2), 022436, 2024
Dynamical features of Shannon information entropy of bosonic cloud in a tight trap
SK Haldar, B Chakrabarti
International Journal of Modern Physics B 27 (13), 1350048, 2013
Structural and quantum properties of van der Waals cluster near the unitary regime
ML Lekala, B Chakrabarti, SK Haldar, R Roy, GJ Rampho
Physics Letters A 381 (28), 2256-2263, 2017
MCTDH-X: The multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method for indistinguishable particles high-performance computation project
AUJ Lode, OE Alon, MA Bastarrachea-Magnani, A Bhowmik, ...
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering'20: Transactions of …, 2021
Crystallization, fermionization, and cavity-induced phase transitions of Bose-Einstein condensates
AUJ Lode, OE Alon, LS Cederbaum, B Chakrabarti, B Chatterjee, R Chitra, ...
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering'19: Transactions of …, 2021
Use of Two-Body Correlated Basis Functions with van der Waals Interaction to Study the Shape-Independent Approximation for a Large Number of Trapped Interacting Bosons
ML Lekala, B Chakrabarti, TK Das, GJ Rampho, SA Sofianos, RM Adam, ...
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 187 (3), 232-250, 2017
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