Chris T.M. Baten
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Citované v
Compensation of magnetic disturbances improves inertial and magnetic sensing of human body segment orientation
D Roetenberg, HJ Luinge, CTM Baten, PH Veltink
IEEE Transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 13 (3 …, 2005
Electromyogram power spectra frequencies associated with motor unit recruitment strategies
M Solomonow, C Baten, JOS Smit, R Baratta, H Hermens, R D'Ambrosia, ...
Journal of Applied Physiology 68 (3), 1177-1185, 1990
Ambulatory measurement of arm orientation
HJ Luinge, PH Veltink, CTM Baten
Journal of biomechanics 40 (1), 78-85, 2007
Magnetic distortion in motion labs, implications for validating inertial magnetic sensors
WHK De Vries, HEJ Veeger, CTM Baten, FCT Van Der Helm
Gait & posture 29 (4), 535-541, 2009
Cervical muscle dysfunction in the chronic whiplash associated disorder grade II (WAD-II)
MJ Nederhand, MJ IJzerman, HJ Hermens, CTM Baten, G Zilvold
Spine 25 (15), 1938-1943, 2000
Estimating orientation with gyroscopes and accelerometers
HJ Luinge, PH Veltink, CTM Baten
Technology and health care 7 (6), 455-459, 1999
Estimating body segment orientation by applying inertial and magnetic sensing near ferromagnetic materials
D Roetenberg, CTM Baten, PH Veltink
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 15 (3 …, 2007
The median frequency of the surface EMG power spectrum in relation to motor unit firing and action potential properties
HJ Hermens, TAM Bruggen, CTM Baten, WLC Rutten, HBK Boom
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 2 (1), 15-25, 1992
Functionally interpretable local coordinate systems for the upper extremity using inertial & magnetic measurement systems
WHK De Vries, HEJ Veeger, AG Cutti, C Baten, FCT Van Der Helm
Journal of biomechanics 43 (10), 1983-1988, 2010
Lumbar loading during lifting: a comparative study of three measurement techniques
I Kingma, CTM Baten, P Dolan, HM Toussaint, JH van Dieën, ...
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 11 (5), 337-345, 2001
Ambulatory estimation of foot placement during walking using inertial sensors
HM Schepers, EHF Van Asseldonk, CTM Baten, PH Veltink
Journal of biomechanics 43 (16), 3138-3143, 2010
Asymmetric low back loading in asymmetric lifting movements is not prevented by pelvic twist
I Kingma, JH van Dieen, M de Looze, HM Toussaint, P Dolan, CTM Baten
Journal of biomechanics 31 (6), 527-534, 1998
The effect of an ergonomic computer device on muscle activity of the upper trapezius muscle during typing
M Tepper, MMR Vollenbroek-Hutten, HJ Hermens, CTM Baten
Applied ergonomics 34 (2), 125-130, 2003
Usability of thenar eminence orthoses: report of a comparative study
JH Buurke, JH Grady, J De Vries, CTM Baten
Clinical rehabilitation 13 (4), 288-294, 1999
Dynamic forces acting on the lumbar spine during manual handling: Can they be estimated using electromyographic techniques alone?
P Dolan, I Kingma, J van Dieen, MP de Looze, HM Toussaint, CTM Baten, ...
Spine 24 (7), 698-703, 1999
An EMG technique for measuring spinal loading during asymmetric lifting
P Dolan, I Kingma, MP De Looze, JH Van Dieen, HM Toussaint, ...
Clinical Biomechanics 16, S17-S24, 2001
Consistency of surface EMG patterns obtained during gait from three laboratories using standardised measurement technique
RFM Kleissen, MCA Litjens, CTM Baten, J Harlaar, AL Hof, G Zilvold
Gait & Posture 6 (3), 200-209, 1997
Trunk muscle activation and low back loading in lifting in the absence of load knowledge
MP De Looze, MC Boeken-Kruger, S Steenhuizen, CTM Baten, I Kingma, ...
Ergonomics 43 (3), 333-344, 2000
Automatic identification of inertial sensor placement on human body segments during walking
D Weenk, BJF Van Beijnum, CTM Baten, HJ Hermens, PH Veltink
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 10, 1-9, 2013
The potential and acceptance of exoskeletons in industry
MP De Looze, F Krause, LW O’Sullivan
Wearable Robotics: Challenges and Trends: Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2016
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