Jessica Thomson
Jessica Thomson
Research Epidemiologist, USDA ARS
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Citované v
A more powerful test for comparing two Poisson means
K Krishnamoorthy, J Thomson
Journal of statistical planning and inference 119 (1), 23-35, 2004
Development of a direct observation instrument to measure environmental characteristics of parks for physical activity
AL Bedimo-Rung, J Gustat, BJ Tompkins, J Rice, J Thomson
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 3 (s1), S176-S189, 2006
Diet quality in a nationally representative sample of American children by sociodemographic characteristics
JL Thomson, LM Tussing-Humphreys, MH Goodman, AS Landry
The American journal of clinical nutrition 109 (1), 127-138, 2019
Unraveling the impact of nitrogen nutrition on cooked rice flavor and texture
ET Champagne, KL Bett‐Garber, JL Thomson, MA Fitzgerald
Cereal Chemistry 86 (3), 274-280, 2009
A church-based diet and physical activity intervention for rural, lower Mississippi Delta African American adults: Delta Body and Soul effectiveness study, 2010–2011
L Tussing-Humphreys, JL Thomson, T Mayo, E Edmond
Preventing Chronic Disease 10, E92, 2013
The ATM/p53 pathway is commonly targeted for inactivation in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN) by multiple molecular mechanisms
J Bolt, QN Vo, WJ Kim, AJ McWhorter, J Thomson, ME Hagensee, ...
Oral oncology 41 (10), 1013-1020, 2005
Children in school cafeterias select foods containing more saturated fat and energy than the Institute of Medicine recommendations
CK Martin, JL Thomson, MM LeBlanc, TM Stewart, RL Newton Jr, H Han, ...
The Journal of nutrition 140 (9), 1653-1660, 2010
Food environment in the lower Mississippi Delta: food deserts, food swamps and hot spots
M Goodman, J Thomson, A Landry
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (10), 3354, 2020
Factors associated with delays to diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer in women in a Louisiana urban safety net hospital
DL Williams, S Tortu, J Thomson
Women & health 50 (8), 705-718, 2010
A comparison of the glycosylation gap and hemoglobin glycation index in patients with diabetes
SA Chalew, RJ McCarter, J Thomas, JL Thomson, JM Hempe
Journal of Diabetes and its Complications 19 (4), 218-222, 2005
Colchicine and 2-methoxyestradiol inhibit human angiogenesis
SJ Stafford, J Schwimer, CT Anthony, JL Thomson, YZ Wang, ...
Journal of Surgical Research 125 (1), 104-108, 2005
Sugarcane internode composition during crop development
SE Lingle, JL Thomson
BioEnergy Research 5, 168-178, 2012
Validation of serum versus plasma measurements of chromogranin a levels in patients with carcinoid tumors: lack of correlation between absolute chromogranin a levels and …
EA Woltering, RS Hilton, CM Zolfoghary, J Thomson, S Zietz, VLW Go, ...
Pancreas 33 (3), 250-254, 2006
Advanced glycation end‐products in sickle cell anaemia
SS Somjee, RP Warrier, JL Thomson, J Ory‐Ascani, JM Hempe
British journal of haematology 128 (1), 112-118, 2005
Delta healthy sprouts: a randomized comparative effectiveness trial to promote maternal weight control and reduce childhood obesity in the Mississippi Delta
JL Thomson, LM Tussing-Humphreys, MH Goodman
Contemporary clinical trials 38 (1), 82-91, 2014
HUB city steps: a 6-month lifestyle intervention improves blood pressure among a primarily African-American community
J Zoellner, C Connell, MB Madson, JL Thomson, AS Landry, EF Molaison, ...
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 114 (4), 603-612, 2014
The role of VEGF pathways in human physiologic and pathologic angiogenesis
JM Lyons III, JE Schwimer, CT Anthony, JL Thomson, JD Cundiff, ...
Journal of surgical Research 159 (1), 517-527, 2010
Diet quality and physical activity outcome improvements resulting from a church-based diet and supervised physical activity intervention for rural, Southern, African American …
JL Thomson, MH Goodman, L Tussing-Humphreys
Health promotion practice 16 (5), 677-688, 2015
Development and evaluation of WillTry. An instrument for measuring children's willingness to try fruits and vegetables
JL Thomson, BJ McCabe-Sellers, E Strickland, D Lovera, HJ Nuss, ...
Appetite 54 (3), 465-472, 2010
Low rate of initiation and short duration of breastfeeding in a maternal and infant home visiting project targeting rural, Southern, African American women
JL Thomson, LM Tussing-Humphreys, MH Goodman, AS Landry, ...
International breastfeeding journal 12, 1-11, 2016
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