J. Andres Coca-Stefaniak
J. Andres Coca-Stefaniak
Professor and Associate Head of School (Research & Knowledge Exchange) - University of Greenwich
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Citované v
Living Like a Local: Authentic Tourism Experiences and the Sharing Economy
AM Dominyka Paulauskaite, Raymond Powell, Andres Coca-Stefaniak
International Journal of Tourism Research, 2017
Effects of tourism CSR on employee psychological capital in the COVID-19 crisis: from the perspective of conservation of resources theory
Y Mao, J He, JA Morrison, Alastair M. and Coca-Stefaniak
Current Issues in Tourism, 2020
Coronavirus impacts on post-pandemic planned travel behaviours
J Li, THH Nguyen, JA Coca-Stefaniak
Annals of Tourism Research, 2020
Changing grocery shopping behaviours among Chinese consumers at the outset of the COVID‐19 outbreak
J Li, AG Hallsworth, JA Coca‐Stefaniak
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 111 (3), 574-583, 2020
Responding to a major global crisis: the effects of hotel safety leadership on employee safety behavior during COVID-19
J Zhang, C Xie, J Wang, AM Morrison, JA Coca-Stefaniak
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 32 (11), 3365-3389, 2020
Town centre management models: A European perspective
JA Coca-Stefaniak, C Parker, S Quin, R Rinaldi, J Byrom
Cities 26 (2), 74-80, 2009
Smart city communication via social media: Analysing residents' and visitors' engagement
sebastian molinillo, rafael anaya-sanchez, alastair m. morrison, ...
Cities 94, 247-255, 2019
On being warm and friendly: the effect of socially responsible human resource management on employee fears of the threats of COVID-19
J He, Y Mao, AM Morrison, JA Coca-Stefaniak
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 33 (1), 346-366, 2021
Hotel assessment through social media: The case of TripAdvisor
S Molinillo, JL Ximenez-de-Sandoval, A Fernandez-Morales, ...
Tourism and Management Studies 12 (1), 15-24, 2016
Localisation as a marketing strategy for small retailers
PCRP Coca-Stefaniak J.A.
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 38 (9), 677-697, 2010
A risk perception scale for travel to a crisis epicentre: Visiting Wuhan after COVID-19
L Zhan, X Zeng, AM Morrison, H Liang, JA Coca-Stefaniak
Current Issues in Tourism 25 (1), 150-167, 2022
Medical, health and wellness tourism research – a review of the literature (1970-2020) and research agenda
L Zhong, B Deng, AM Morrison, JA Coca-Stefaniak, L Yang
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (18), 2021
Decline in the British small shop independent retail sector: exploring European parallels
BSYR Coca-Stefaniak J.A., Hallsworth A.G., Parker C.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 12, 357-371, 2005
Beyond smart tourism cities–towards a new generation of “wise” tourism destinations
JA Coca-Stefaniak
Journal of Tourism Futures 7 (2), 251-258, 2020
Perceived Value and Customer Adoption of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
E Higueras-Castillo, S Molinillo, JA Coca-Stefaniak, F Liebana-Cabanillas
Sustainability 11, 2019
The effects of risk message frames on post-pandemic travel intentions: The moderation of empathy and perceived waiting time
C Xie, J Zhang, AM Morrison, JA Coca-Stefaniak
Current Issues in Tourism 24 (23), 3387-3406, 2021
Technology acceptance before and after COVID-19: No-touch service from hotel robots
L Zhong, JA Coca-Stefaniak, AM Morrison, L Yang, B Deng
Tourism Review 77 (4), 1062-1080, 2022
Confused branding? An exploratory study of place branding practices among place management professionals
I de Noronha, JA Coca-Stefaniak, M AM
Cities 66, 91-98, 2017
Marketing smart tourism cities–a strategic dilemma
JA Coca-Stefaniak
International Journal of Tourism Cities 5 (4), 513-518, 2019
Potential early adopters of hybrid and electric vehicles in Spain - Towards a customer profile
E Higueras-Castillo, S Molinillo, ...
Sustainability, 2020
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