Prof. Emmanuel Raymond
Prof. Emmanuel Raymond
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Citované v
Availability and utilization of e-learning infrastructures in Federal University of Technology, Minna
BN Atsumbe, E Raymond, EEP Duhu
E-learning 3 (13), 56-64, 2012
Repositioning vocational and technical education for effective manpower production in Nigeria
BN Atsumbe, R Emmanuel, CO Igwe, JA Atsumbe
International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Mechanical and …, 2012
. Comparative effects of the synchronous and the asynchronous instructional approaches concerning the students’ achievement and interest in electrical engineering at the Niger …
E Raymond, BN Atsumbe, RO Okwori, MA Jebba
International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy., 2016
Students’ achievement in basic electronics: Effects of scaffolding and collaborative instructional approaches
B Atsumbe, S Owodunni, E Raymond, M Uduafemhe
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 14 (8), em1563, 2018
Problems of implementing continuous assessment in primary schools in Nigeria.
BN Atsumbe, E Raymond
International journal of Education and Practice,, 2012
Comparative Effect of Cognitive and Traditional Task Analysis-Based Instructional Guides on Technical College Students' Achievement and Interest in Electronics-Works in North …
E Raymond, E Raymond
Unpublished Ph. D thesis, Department of Vocational Teacher Education …, 2013
The level of awareness on electrical hazards and safety measures among residential electricity user’s in Minna metropolis of Niger State, Nigeria.
TM Saba, J Tsado, E Raymond, MJ Adamu
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), 2014
Mechanisms for improving manpower production in vocational and technical education
BN Atsumbe, RO Okwori, E Raymond, CO Igwe
ATBU Journal of Technology and Educational Research (JOTER), 2013
Constraints affecting electronics servicing of roadside technicians in Minna metropolis
E Raymond
Journal of the Nigerian Association of Teachers of Technology (JONATT), 2007
Retraining needs of technical educators for the implementation of the junior secondary school basic technology programme in Nigeria
BN Atsumbe, E Raymond, AM Idris, EF Mele
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSRJMCE) ISSN: 2278-1684 …, 2012
Enhancing Electronics Technology Students’ Learning Experience and Satisfaction: The Role of Computer Simulation Software Packages
E Raymond, ME Uduafemhe
ATBU Journal of Science, Technology and Education 6 (2), 242-250, 2018
Electrical installation and maintenance works teachers’ professional development needs for effective teaching in Kwara State
GM Mohammed, GA Usman, E Raymond
African scholar journal of African sustainable development 15 (2), 195-208, 2019
New television camera systems operation and maintenance contents for training radio, television and electronics work students in Nigeria
ME Uduafemhe, E Raymond
American Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 4 (2), 369-379, 2019
Correlation between the five personality dimensions and creative behaviours of electrical and electronics teachers in Nigerian technical colleges
E Raymond, ME Uduafemhe, SA Alome, O Bamidele
Journal of Technical Education and Training 10 (2), 2018
Effects of animation on students’ academic achievement and retention in basic electricity at technical college level in Benue state, Nigeria.
BN Atsumbe, E Raymond, J Ajunwa
ISTE, University of South Africa., 2015
Development and validation of new closed-circuit television systems contents for satellite transmission and reception module for technical colleges in Nigeria
ME Uduafemhe, E Raymond, AU Abraham, AM Idris
ATBU Journal of Science, Technology and Education 6 (3), 220-237, 2018
Effects of Videotaped and Text Based Computer Assisted Instruction on Students' Performance in Blocklaying, Bricklaying and Concreting in Technical Colleges in Niger State …
D Ibrahim, EJ Ohize, PA Omozokpia, E Raymond
International Journal of Research in Science, Technology and Mathematics …, 2017
New Contents in Automobile Transmission, Braking, Steering and Suspension Systems for Inclusion in the Minimum Standard for Nigeria Certificate in Education in Automobile …
MA Mohammed, GD Momoh, AM Idris, E Raymond
Journal of Information, Education, Science and Technology (JIEST). Vol. 4 …, 2017
Effects OF Animation On Students Acadimic Achievement And Retention In Basic Electricity At Technical College Level In Benue State, Nigeria
AB Numgwo, R Emmanuel, A Joseph
Occupational stress and management strategies among technology education teachers in higher institutions.
E Raymond, JY Hassan
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 2016
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