Lars-Olof Johansson
Lars-Olof Johansson
Phd in Informatics, Halmstad University, University West and Kristianstad University
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Citované v
Citované v
An evaluation of business process model techniques, using Moody’s quality criterion for a good diagram
LO Johansson, M Wärja, S Carlsson
BIR 2012: Emerging Topics in Business Informatics Research 2012, Nizhny …, 2012
Graphical modeling techniques and usefulness in the Model Driven Arcitechture: Which are the criteria for a" good" Computer independent model?
LO Johansson, M Wärja, H Kjellin, S Carlsson
Mittuniversitetet, 2008
Facilitating students’ learning outcome of business processes using an ERP
LO Johansson, E Zimmerman, C Rehnström
20th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2014, Savannah, GA …, 2014
control device for operating a gear box of a vehicle, a system for gear shift and parking brake actuation and a vehicle comprising a control device and a system
L Johansson, M Karlsson
US Patent App. 12/530,246, 2010
The Intersection Between Information Systems and Workplace Learning: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda.
HV Hult, LO Johansson, AS Islind, U Snis
HICSS, 1-10, 2022
The dynamics of interaction: exploring a living lab innovation process from a community of practice perspective
LO Johansson, U Lundh Snis
Visualization as a tool in action case research
LO Johansson, B Cronquist, H Kjellin
6th European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Managment …, 2007
Knowledge and Communicative aspects of visualization in action case research
LO Johansson, B Cronquist, H Kjellin
IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction …, 2007
Dynamics in an innovation boundary context: exploring a living lab process from a community of practice perspective
LO Johansson, U Lundh Snis, L Svensson
The 34th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS 2011 …, 2011
Communication enabling the implementation of innovation
B Cronquist, LO Johansson, H Kjellin
29th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS 29 …, 2006
New logics of ethics in the age of digital platforms: Design fictions of autonomous cars
L Norström, C Arghavan Shahlaei, LO Johansson, AS Islind, ...
European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET), 2019
Like a snowball: Adding layers of knowledge Enchanting student work with student input
TE Svane, M Zhu, LO Johansson, E Ebbesson
2017 16th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher …, 2017
Barn och marknadskommunikation: undersökning av yngre barns produktönskningar samt påverkanskällor till dessa
P Hedberg, L Johansson, S Jundin
Ekon. forskningsinst. vid Handelshögsk. i Stockholm (EFI), 1976
Enchanting education from student input preparing students to envision and develop in an internet of things world
T Svane, Z Minling, LO Johansson, E Ebbesson
2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-4, 2017
Towards learning with digital artifacts
H Vallo Hult, AS Islind, LO Johansson, U Lundh Snis
IFIP WG 8.6 working conference on the diffusion and adoption of information …, 2017
Visualization/graphical modeling as a supporting tool in organizational development activities: an action oriented approach
LO Johansson
School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering, Växjö University, 2008
Knowledge visualization as an approach in action case-based redesign activities
LO Johansson, B Cronquist, H Kjellin
Proceedings of the 30th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia …, 2007
Engaged in digital service innovation
LO Johansson
University West, Trollhättan, Sweden, 2018
Digital Design and Learning Students Reflections on Learning-by-Doing
LO Johansson, P Heimer, J Hakeröd
EDULEARN18 Proceedings, 6494-6503, 2018
Enchanting Education from Student Input
T Svane, Z Minling, L Johansson, E Ebbesson
IEEE, 2017
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Články 1–20