Články s príkazom na verejný prístup - Juan Carlos RamosĎalšie informácie
Dostupné niekde: 3
Low-index, smooth Al2O3 films by aqueous solution process
CK Perkins, RH Mansergh, JC Ramos, CE Nanayakkara, DH Park, ...
Optical Materials Express 7 (1), 273-280, 2016
Príkazy: US National Science Foundation
Minerals to materials: Bulk synthesis of aqueous aluminum clusters and their use as precursors for metal oxide thin films
BL Fulton, CK Perkins, RH Mansergh, MA Jenkins, V Gouliouk, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (18), 7760-7765, 2017
Príkazy: US National Science Foundation
Aqueous process to limit hydration of thin-film inorganic oxides
CK Perkins, RH Mansergh, DH Park, CE Nanayakkara, JC Ramos, ...
Solid State Sciences 61, 106-110, 2016
Príkazy: US National Science Foundation
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