Jakub M. Szewczyk
Jakub M. Szewczyk
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
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Citované v
Response inhibition of children with ADHD in the stop-signal task: An event-related potential study
M Senderecka, A Grabowska, J Szewczyk, K Gerc, R Chmylak
International Journal of Psychophysiology 85 (1), 93-105, 2012
Prediction in language comprehension beyond specific words: An ERP study on sentence comprehension in Polish
JM Szewczyk, H Schriefers
Journal of Memory and Language 68 (4), 297-314, 2013
How Does L1 and L2 Exposure Impact L1 Performance in Bilingual Children? Evidence from Polish-English Migrants to the United Kingdom
E Haman, Z Wodniecka, M Marecka, J Szewczyk, M Białecka-Pikul, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 2017
The more similar the better? Factors in learning cognates, false cognates and non-cognate words
A Otwinowska, JM Szewczyk
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 22 (8), 974-991, 2019
Is animacy special?: ERP correlates of semantic violations and animacy violations in sentence processing
JM Szewczyk, H Schriefers
Brain research 1368, 208-221, 2011
Patterns of bilingual language use and response inhibition: A test of the adaptive control hypothesis
P Kałamała, J Szewczyk, A Chuderski, M Senderecka, Z Wodniecka
Cognition 204, 2020
Neither action nor phonological video games make dyslexic children read better
M Łuniewska, K Chyl, A Dębska, A Kacprzak, J Plewko, M Szczerbiński, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 549, 2018
Event-related potentials in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: an investigation using an auditory oddball task
M Senderecka, A Grabowska, K Gerc, J Szewczyk, R Chmylak
International Journal of Psychophysiology 85 (1), 106-115, 2012
Flanker task with equiprobable congruent and incongruent conditions does not elicit the conflict N2
P Kałamała, J Szewczyk, M Senderecka, Z Wodniecka
Psychophysiology 55 (2), e12980, 2018
Context-based facilitation of semantic access follows both logarithmic and linear functions of stimulus probability
JM Szewczyk, KD Federmeier
Journal of Memory and Language 123, 104311, 2022
Nonword repetition depends on the frequency of sublexical representations at different grain sizes: Evidence from a multi-factorial analysis
J Szewczyk, M Marecka, S Chiat, Z Wodniecka
Cognition 179, 23-36, 2018
Interference and inhibition in bilingual language comprehension: Evidence from Polish-English interlingual homographs
J Durlik, J Szewczyk, M Muszyński, Z Wodniecka
PloS one 11 (3), e0151430, 2016
Learning Orthographic Cognates and Non‐Cognates in the Classroom: Does Awareness of Cross‐Linguistic Similarity Matter?
A Otwinowska, M Foryś-Nogała, W Kobosko, J Szewczyk
Lanugage Learning, 2020
The N400 as an index of lexical preactivation and its implications for prediction in language comprehension
JM Szewczyk, H Schriefers
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 33 (6), 665-686, 2018
When a second language hits a native language. What ERPs (do and do not) tell us about language retrieval difficulty in bilingual language production
Z Wodniecka, J Szewczyk, P Kałamała, P Mandera, J Durlik
Neuropsychologia 141, 2020
Bilingualism caught in a net: A new approach to understanding the complexity of bilingual experience.
P Kałamała, A Chuderski, J Szewczyk, M Senderecka, Z Wodniecka
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 152 (1), 157, 2023
False friends or real friends? False cognates show advantage in word form learning
M Marecka, J Szewczyk, A Otwinowska, J Durlik, M Foryś-Nogała, ...
Cognition 206, 104477, 2021
Examining the Role of General Cognitive Skills in Language Processing: A Window Into Complex Cognition
KD Federmeier, SR Jongman, JM Szewczyk
Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2020
The mechanisms of prediction updating that impact the processing of upcoming words –an event-related potential study on sentence comprehension
J Szewczyk, Z Wodniecka
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2020
The predictors of foreign-accentedness in the home language of Polish–English bilingual children
M Wrembel, M Marecka, J Szewczyk, A Otwinowska
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 22 (2), 383-400, 2019
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