Baek-Young Choi
Baek-Young Choi
Professor of Computer Science, University of Missouri - Kansas City
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Citované v
Citované v
Analysis of point-to-point packet delay in an operational network
BY Choi, S Moon, ZL Zhang, K Papagiannaki, C Diot
INFOCOM 2004. Twenty-third AnnualJoint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2004
Real-time human detection as an edge service enabled by a lightweight cnn
SY Nikouei, Y Chen, S Song, R Xu, BY Choi, TR Faughnan
2018 IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE), 125-129, 2018
Adaptive random sampling for load change detection
BY Choi, J Park, ZL Zhang
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGMETRICS international conference on …, 2002
Application oriented dynamic resource allocation for data centers using docker containers
X Guan, X Wan, BY Choi, S Song, J Zhu
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (3), 504-507, 2016
Smart surveillance as an edge network service: From harr-cascade, svm to a lightweight cnn
SY Nikouei, Y Chen, S Song, R Xu, BY Choi, T Faughnan
2018 ieee 4th international conference on collaboration and internet …, 2018
WiFiHonk: Smartphone-based beacon stuffed WiFi Car2X-communication system for vulnerable road user safety
K Dhondge, S Song, BY Choi, H Park
2014 IEEE 79th vehicular technology conference (VTC spring), 1-5, 2014
Adaptive packet sampling for accurate and scalable flow measurement
BY Choi, J Park, ZL Zhang
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM'04. 3, 1448-1452, 2004
Adaptive random sampling for traffic load measurement
BY Choi, J Park, ZL Zhang
IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2003. ICC'03. 3, 1552-1556, 2003
Probabilistic approach to switched Ethernet for real-time control applications
BY Choi, S Song, N Birch, J Huang
Proceedings Seventh International Conference on Real-Time Computing Systems …, 2000
Control path management framework for enhancing software-defined network (SDN) reliability
S Song, H Park, BY Choi, T Choi, H Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 14 (2), 302-316, 2017
On the accuracy and overhead of cisco sampled netflow
BY Choi, S Bhattacharyya
Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS Workshop on Large Scale Network Inference …, 2005
Energy efficient virtual network embedding for green data centers using data center topology and future migration
X Guan, BY Choi, S Song
Computer Communications 69, 50-59, 2015
Quantile sampling for practical delay monitoring in Internet backbone networks
BY Choi, S Moon, R Cruz, ZL Zhang, C Diot
Computer Networks 51 (10), 2701-2716, 2007
Observations on cisco sampled netflow
BY Choi, S Bhattacharyya
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 33 (3), 18-23, 2005
Light weight anti-phishing with user whitelisting in a web browser
Y Wang, R Agrawal, BY Choi
2008 IEEE region 5 conference, 1-4, 2008
NEOD: Network embedded on-line disaster management framework for software defined networking
S Song, S Hong, X Guan, BY Choi, C Choi
2013 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM …, 2013
Push or pull? toward optimal content delivery using cloud storage
X Guan, BY Choi
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 40, 234-243, 2014
Statistical wormhole detection for mobile sensor networks
S Song, H Wu, BY Choi
2012 Fourth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks …, 2012
Adaptive packet sampling for flow volume measurement
BY Choi, J Park, ZL Zhang
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 32 (3), 9-9, 2002
Outage analysis of a university campus network
BY Choi, S Song, G Koffler, D Medhi
2007 16th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks …, 2007
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