Craig D. DiGiovanni
Craig D. DiGiovanni
Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
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Citované v
The effects of general and homophobic victimization on adolescents' psychosocial and educational concerns: the importance of intersecting identities and parent support.
VP Poteat, EH Mereish, CD DiGiovanni, BW Koenig
Journal of counseling psychology 58 (4), 597, 2011
Gay–straight alliances are associated with student health: A multischool comparison of LGBTQ and heterosexual youth
VP Poteat, KO Sinclair, CD DiGiovanni, BW Koenig, ST Russell
Journal of Research on Adolescence 23 (2), 319-330, 2013
When biased language use is associated with bullying and dominance behavior: The moderating effect of prejudice
VP Poteat, CD DiGiovanni
Journal of youth and adolescence 39, 1123-1133, 2010
Predicting homophobic behavior among heterosexual youth: Domain general and sexual orientation-specific factors at the individual and contextual level
V Paul Poteat, CD DiGiovanni, JR Scheer
Journal of youth and adolescence 42, 351-362, 2013
Development and validation of the trauma‐informed practice scales
LA Goodman, CM Sullivan, J Serrata, J Perilla, JM Wilson, JE Fauci, ...
Journal of Community Psychology 44 (6), 747-764, 2016
Contextualizing gay‐straight alliances: Student, advisor, and structural factors related to positive youth development among members
VP Poteat, H Yoshikawa, JP Calzo, ML Gray, CD DiGiovanni, A Lipkin, ...
Child development 86 (1), 176-193, 2015
Domestic violence survivors’ empowerment and mental health: Exploring the role of the alliance with advocates.
LA Goodman, JE Fauci, CM Sullivan, CD DiGiovanni, JM Wilson
American journal of orthopsychiatry 86 (3), 286, 2016
Short-term prospective effects of homophobic victimization on the mental health of heterosexual adolescents
VP Poteat, JR Scheer, CD DiGiovanni, EH Mereish
Journal of youth and adolescence 43, 1240-1251, 2014
Homophobic bullying
VP Poteat, EH Mereish, CD DiGiovanni, JR Scheer
Bullying, 87-102, 2013
Relationship between ADHD, oppositional defiant, conduct, and disruptive mood dysregulation disorder symptoms and age in children with ADHD and autism
SD Mayes, PJ Castagna, CD DiGiovanni, DA Waschbusch
International Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Mental Health 8, 47-57, 2020
Pathways to empowerment and mental health for intimate partner violence survivors: The role of the alliance with advocates
LA Goodman, JE Fauci, CM Sullivan, CD DiGiovanni, JM Wilson
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 86 (3), 286-296, 2016
Cross-sectional age analysis of sleep problems in 2 to 17 year olds with ADHD combined, ADHD inattentive, or autism
SD Mayes, K Puzino, C DiGiovanni, SL Calhoun
Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings 29 (2), 239-248, 2022
Emotional and informational supportive exchanges as predictors of relational health and well-being in computer-mediated support groups for individuals with a traumatic brain injury
CD DiGiovanni
Boston College, 2018
Cross-Sectional Age Analysis of Sleep Problems in 2-to 17-Year-Old Children With ADHD-Combined, ADHD-Inattentive, or ASD
S Mayes, K Puzino, C DiGiovanni, SL Calhoun, R Baweja
66th Annual Meeting, 2019
Trauma-Informed Practice (TIP) Scales
LA Goodman, CM Sullivan, J Serrata, J Perilla, J Wilson, JE Fauci, ...
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