Eunsuk Hong
Eunsuk Hong
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Dynamics of internationalization and outward investment: Chinese corporations' strategies
E Hong, L Sun
The China Quarterly 187, 610-634, 2006
Foreign Direct Investment and Total Factor Productivity in China: A Spatial Dynamic Panel Analysis*
E Hong, L Sun
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 73 (6), 771-791, 2011
Go overseas via direct investment: Internationalization strategy of Chinese corporations in a comparative prism
E Hong, L Sun
Centre for Financial and Management Studies, SOAS, University of London, January, 2004
Outbound foreign direct investment (FDI) motivation and domestic employment by multinational enterprises (MNEs)
E Hong, IHI Lee, S Makino
Journal of International Management 25 (2), 100657, 2019
Regional knowledge production and entrepreneurial firm creation: Spatial Dynamic Analyses
IH Lee, E Hong, L Sun
Journal of Business Research 66 (10), 2106-2115, 2013
Entrepreneurship across time and space: Empirical evidence from Korea
E Hong, IH Lee, L Sun, R Harrison
Small Business Economics 44, 705-719, 2015
Inward foreign direct investment and domestic entrepreneurship: A regional analysis of new firm creation in Korea
IH Lee, E Hong, L Sun
Regional Studies 48 (5), 910-922, 2014
Location of foreign direct investment in China: A spatial dynamic panel data analysis by country of origin
E Hong
School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London), 2008
The effect of non-conventional outbound foreign direct investment (FDI) on the domestic employment of multinational enterprises (MNEs)
IHI Lee, E Hong, S Makino
International Business Review 29 (3), 101671, 2020
Location decisions of inward FDI in sub-national regions of a host country: Service versus manufacturing industries
IHI Lee, E Hong, S Makino
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 33 (2), 343-370, 2016
Does foreign direct investment stimulate new firm creation? In search of spillovers through industrial and geographical linkages
L Sun, IH Lee, E Hong
Small Business Economics 48 (3), 613-631, 2017
Incorporating Technology Diffusion, Factor Mobility and Structural Change into Cross‐Region Growth Regression: An Application to China*
L Sun, E Hong, T Li
Journal of Regional Science 50 (3), 734-755, 2010
Outward FDI does not necessarily cost domestic employment of MNEs at home: Evidence from Japanese MNEs
IH Lee, S Makino, E Hong
Columbia FDI Perspectives, 1-3, 2015
Some Bad News Is Good News for Foreign Investors: The Case of Intellectual Property Rights Infringement in China
I Kim, E Hong, JK Shin, L Sun
Thunderbird International Business Review 58 (4), 317-329, 2016
Foreign direct investment and full factor productivity in China
E Hong, L Sun
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 07-E-022, 2007
Cross-border mergers and acquisitions from emerging economy firms: a new channel for technology augmentation
E Hong, JK Shin, H Zou
International Journal of Development Issues, 2024
Multinational enterprises, intra-regional cross-border M&As, and performance: Location advantages of market versus knowledge
IHI Lee, E Hong, JK Shin
International Business Review 32 (6), 102177, 2023
Do Managers Always Listen to the Market? Evidence from Cross-Border M and As and Accounting Quality= 기업 매니저는 시장의 신호에 항상 귀를 기울이는가? 국제 인수합병 및 회계 기 …
E Hong, JK Shin
경제연구= Journal of Economic Studies 41 (2), 99-117, 2023
The Simultaneous Impacts of Firm Birth Versus Death on Regional Employment: The Case of the US
E Hong, IHI Lee
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 17644, 2020
Multinational Enterprises, Cross-Border M&A Deals, and Their Performance: A Regional Perspective
IHI Lee, E Hong, JK Shin
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 16167, 2019
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