Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander Mertens
Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander Mertens
Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics of RWTH Aachen University
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Citované v
Human–robot collaboration acceptance model: development and comparison for Germany, Japan, China and the USA
C Bröhl, J Nelles, C Brandl, A Mertens, V Nitsch
International Journal of Social Robotics 11 (5), 709-726, 2019
Prevalence of health app use among older adults in Germany: national survey
P Rasche, M Wille, C Bröhl, S Theis, K Schäfer, M Knobe, A Mertens
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 6 (1), e8619, 2018
Human-centered design of assistance systems for production planning and control: the role of the human in industry 4.0
J Nelles, S Kuz, A Mertens, CM Schlick
2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2099-2104, 2016
TAM reloaded: a technology acceptance model for human-robot cooperation in production systems
C Bröhl, J Nelles, C Brandl, A Mertens, CM Schlick
HCI International 2016–Posters' Extended Abstracts: 18th International …, 2016
Who is still playing Pokémon Go? A web-based survey
P Rasche, A Schlomann, A Mertens
JMIR serious games 5 (2), e7197, 2017
Evaluating swabbing: a touchscreen input method for elderly users with tremor
C Wacharamanotham, J Hurtmanns, A Mertens, M Kronenbuerger, ...
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2011
A mobile application improves therapy-adherence rates in elderly patients undergoing rehabilitation: a crossover design study comparing documentation via iPad with paper-based …
A Mertens, C Brandl, T Miron-Shatz, C Schlick, T Neumann, A Kribben, ...
Medicine 95 (36), e4446, 2016
Desktop PC, tablet PC, or smartphone? An analysis of use preferences in daily activities for different technology generations of a worldwide sample
C Bröhl, P Rasche, J Jablonski, S Theis, M Wille, A Mertens
Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Acceptance, Communication and …, 2018
Towards modern inclusive factories: a methodology for the development of smart adaptive human-machine interfaces
V Villani, L Sabattini, JN Czerniaki, A Mertens, B Vogel-Heuser, ...
2017 22nd IEEE international conference on emerging technologies and factory …, 2017
Effect of sampling interval on the reliability of ergonomic analysis using the Ovako working posture analysing system (OWAS)
C Brandl, A Mertens, CM Schlick
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 57, 68-73, 2017
Demographic and health related data of users of a mobile application to support drug adherence is associated with usage duration and intensity
S Becker, C Brandl, S Meister, E Nagel, T Miron-Shatz, A Mitchell, ...
PLoS One 10 (1), e0116980, 2015
The interaction effect of working postures on muscle activity and subjective discomfort during static working postures and its correlation with OWAS
T Hellig, A Mertens, C Brandl
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 68, 25-33, 2018
Ergonomic analysis of working postures using OWAS in semi-trailer assembly, applying an individual sampling strategy
C Brandl, A Mertens, CM Schlick
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 23 (1), 110-117, 2017
The “Aachen fall prevention App”–a Smartphone application app for the self-assessment of elderly patients at risk for ground level falls
P Rasche, A Mertens, C Bröhl, S Theis, T Seinsch, M Wille, HC Pape, ...
Patient safety in surgery 11, 1-4, 2017
Human‐robot interaction in assisted personal services: factors influencing distances that humans will accept between themselves and an approaching service robot
C Brandl, A Mertens, CM Schlick
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 26 (6 …, 2016
Cognition-enhanced assembly sequence planning for ergonomic and productive human–robot collaboration in self-optimizing assembly cells
M Faber, A Mertens, CM Schlick
Production Engineering 11 (2), 145-154, 2017
Survey-based personas for a target-group-specific consideration of elderly end users of information and communication systems in the German health-care sector
K Schäfer, P Rasche, C Bröhl, S Theis, L Barton, C Brandl, M Wille, ...
International journal of medical informatics 132, 103924, 2019
Transthoracic versus transhiatal esophagectomy for esophageal cancer: a nationwide propensity score-matched cohort analysis
AC Mertens, MC Kalff, WJ Eshuis, TM Van Gulik, ...
Annals of surgical oncology 28, 175-183, 2021
Design pattern TRABING: touchscreen-based input technique for people affected by intention tremor
A Mertens, N Jochems, CM Schlick, D Dünnebacke, JH Dornberg
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCHI symposium on engineering interactive …, 2010
Activity tracker and elderly
P Rasche, M Wille, S Theis, K Schäefer, CM Schlick, A Mertens
2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology …, 2015
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