Brian K. Smith
Brian K. Smith
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Citované v
Development and validation of a questionnaire to assess pedestrian receptivity toward fully autonomous vehicles
S Deb, L Strawderman, DW Carruth, J DuBien, B Smith, TM Garrison
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 84, 178-195, 2017
Quantifying geometric accuracy with unsupervised machine learning: Using self-organizing map on fused filament fabrication additive manufacturing parts
M Khanzadeh, P Rao, R Jafari-Marandi, BK Smith, MA Tschopp, L Bian
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 140 (3), 031011, 2018
Sustainability driven multi-criteria project portfolio selection under uncertain decision-making environment
J Ma, JD Harstvedt, R Jaradat, B Smith
Computers & Industrial Engineering 140, 106236, 2020
Evaluating pedestrian behavior at crosswalks: Validation of a pedestrian behavior questionnaire for the US population
S Deb, L Strawderman, J DuBien, B Smith, DW Carruth, TM Garrison
Accident Analysis & Prevention 106, 191-201, 2017
How the older population perceives self-driving vehicles
MM Rahman, S Deb, L Strawderman, R Burch, B Smith
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 65, 242-257, 2019
From in-situ monitoring toward high-throughput process control: cost-driven decision-making framework for laser-based additive manufacturing
R Jafari-Marandi, M Khanzadeh, W Tian, B Smith, L Bian
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 51, 29-41, 2019
Wearable stretch sensors for human movement monitoring and fall detection in ergonomics
H Chander, RF Burch, P Talegaonkar, D Saucier, T Luczak, JE Ball, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (10), 3554, 2020
An optimum ANN-based breast cancer diagnosis: Bridging gaps between ANN learning and decision-making goals
R Jafari-Marandi, S Davarzani, MS Gharibdousti, BK Smith
Applied Soft Computing 72, 108-120, 2018
Fluid genetic algorithm (FGA)
R Jafari-Marandi, BK Smith
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 4 (2), 158-167, 2017
Improving healthcare supply chain processes via data standardization
BK Smith, H Nachtmann, EA Pohl
Engineering Management Journal 24 (1), 3-10, 2012
Using simulation to teach lean methodologies and the benefits for Millennials
RF Burch V, B Smith
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 30 (3-4), 320-334, 2019
Quality measurement in the healthcare supply chain
BK Smith, H Nachtmann, EA Pohl
Quality Management Journal 18 (4), 50-60, 2011
Evaluation of transportation alternatives for aging population in the era of self-driving vehicles
MM Rahman, S Deb, L Strawderman, B Smith, R Burch
IATSS research 44 (1), 30-35, 2020
Closing the wearable gap—Part II: Sensor orientation and placement for foot and ankle joint kinematic measurements
D Saucier, T Luczak, P Nguyen, S Davarzani, P Peranich, JE Ball, ...
Sensors 19 (16), 3509, 2019
Self-organizing and error driven (SOED) artificial neural network for smarter classifications
R Jafari-Marandi, M Khanzadeh, BK Smith, L Bian
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 4 (4), 282-304, 2017
Closing the wearable gap—part III: use of stretch sensors in detecting ankle joint kinematics during unexpected and expected slip and trip perturbations
H Chander, E Stewart, D Saucier, P Nguyen, T Luczak, JE Ball, AC Knight, ...
Electronics 8 (10), 1083, 2019
Designing a reliable and congested multi-modal facility location problem for biofuel supply chain network
S Poudel, M Marufuzzaman, MA Quddus, S Chowdhury, L Bian, B Smith
Energies 11 (7), 1682, 2018
Closing the wearable gap—Part VI: Human gait recognition using deep learning methodologies
S Davarzani, D Saucier, P Peranich, W Carroll, A Turner, E Parker, ...
Electronics 9 (5), 796, 2020
A comfort analysis of using smart glasses during" picking" and" putting" tasks
E Smith, L Strawderman, H Chander, BK Smith
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 83, 103133, 2021
Obtaining repeatability of natural extended upper body positions: its use in comparisons of the functional comfort of garments
W Aldrich, B Smith, F Dong
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal 2 (4 …, 1998
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