Assistant Professor
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Utilisation of ultra‐capacitor in load frequency control under restructured STPP‐thermal power systems using WOA optimised PIDN‐FOPD controller
A Saha, LC Saikia
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (13), 3318-3331, 2017
Performance analysis of combination of ultra-capacitor and superconducting magnetic energy storage in a thermal-gas AGC system with utilization of whale optimization algorithm …
A Saha, LC Saikia
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 10 (1), 2018
Renewable energy sourcebased multiarea AGC system with integration of EV utilizing cascade controller considering time delay
A Saha, LC Saikia
International Transactions on Electrical energy systems 29 (1), e2646, 2019
Combined application of redox flow battery and DC link in restructured AGC system in the presence of WTS and DSTS in distributed generation unit
A Saha, LC Saikia
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 12 (9), 2072-2085, 2018
Load frequency control of a wind‐thermal‐split shaft gas turbine‐based restructured power system integrating FACTS and energy storage devices
A Saha, LC Saikia
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 29 (3), e2756, 2019
Impact of spotted hyena optimized cascade controller in load frequency control of wave-solar-double compensated capacitive energy storage based interconnected power system
A Saha, P Dash, NR Babu, T Chiranjeevi, B Venkateswararao, ...
Energies 15 (19), 6959, 2022
V-Lab–A Distributed Simulation and Modeling Environment for Robotic Agents–SLA-Based Learning Controllers
A El-Osery, J Burge, M Jamshidi, A Saha, M Fathi, M Akbarzadeh-T
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 32 (6), 791-803, 2002
Dynamic stability evaluation of an integrated biodiesel-geothermal power plant-based power system with spotted hyena optimized cascade controller
A Saha, P Dash, NR Babu, T Chiranjeevi, M Dhananjaya, Ł Knypiński
Sustainability 14 (22), 14842, 2022
Maiden application of hybrid crow-search algorithm with particle swarm optimization in LFC studies
NR Babu, LC Saikia, SK Bhagat, A Saha
Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2021
Performance analysis of combined alfc and avr system incorporating power system stabilizer
R Rajbongshi, LC Saikia, W Tasnin, A Saha, D Saha
2018 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy and Environment: Towards …, 2018
AGC of thermal-split shaft gas turbine system integrating IPFC and ultra-capacitor
A Saha, LC Saikia, R Rajbongshi, D Saha, W Tasnin
Innovations in Infrastructure: Proceedings of ICIIF 2018, 105-115, 2019
Bird swarm algorithm optimized TIDD controller for multi-area load frequency control application
SK Bhagat, S Behera, A Saha, T Bal, T Chiranjeevi, R Devarapalli, ...
SN Computer Science 4 (2), 138, 2023
Effect of geothermal and other renewables on AGC of an interconnected thermal system
W Tasnin, LC Saikia, D Saha, R Rajbongshi, A Saha
Innovations in Infrastructure: Proceedings of ICIIF 2018, 481-491, 2019
Comparative analysis of various energy storage systems in a conventional LFC system considering RDSTS, PWTS and AHVDC models
NR Babu, T Chiranjeevi, A Saha, SK Bhagat
Journal of Engineering Research 11 (4), 425-436, 2023
Frequency Control of a Realistic Dish Stirling Solar Thermal System and Accurate HVDC Models Using a Cascaded FOPI‐IDDN‐Based Crow Search Algorithm
NR Babu, SK Bhagat, T Chiranjeevi, M Pushkarna, A Saha, H Kotb, ...
International Journal of Energy Research 2023 (1), 9976375, 2023
Effect of different renewables and FACT device on an interconnected thermal system using SCA optimized fractional order cascade controllers
W Tasnin, LC Saikia, A Saha, D Saha, R Rajbongshi
2018 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy and Environment: Towards …, 2018
Evaluation of renewable and energy storage system-based interlinked power system with artificial rabbit optimized PI (FOPD) cascaded controller
A Saha, P Dash, MS Bhaskar, D Almakhles, MF Elmorshedy
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2), 102389, 2024
Dynamic stability assessment of interconnected thermal‐SsGT‐solar photovoltaic‐EV power system with ARO optimized IDN‐FOID amalgamated controller
A Saha, NR Babu, P Dash, B Acharya, MS Bhaskar, B Khan
IET Renewable Power Generation 17 (10), 2592-2612, 2023
Impact of power system stabilizer on combined alfc and avr system
R Rajbongshi, LC Saikia, A Saha, W Tasnin, D Saha
Innovations in Infrastructure: Proceedings of ICIIF 2018, 573-582, 2019
Employment of renewable based sources in amalgamated frequency-voltage control restructured system with TSA trained IPD (1+ I) controller
A Saha, MS Bhaskar, DJ Almakhles, MF Elmorshedy
Renewable Energy 222, 119879, 2024
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