Mario Ventura
Mario Ventura
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Initial sequence of the chimpanzee genome and comparison with the human genome
Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium Waterson Robert H. waterston ...
Nature 437 (7055), 69-87, 2005
Great ape genetic diversity and population history
J Prado-Martinez, PH Sudmant, JM Kidd, H Li, JL Kelley, ...
Nature 499 (7459), 471-475, 2013
A recurrent 15q13. 3 microdeletion syndrome associated with mental retardation and seizures
AJ Sharp, HC Mefford, K Li, C Baker, C Skinner, RE Stevenson, ...
Nature genetics 40 (3), 322-328, 2008
The bonobo genome compared with the chimpanzee and human genomes
K Prüfer, K Munch, I Hellmann, K Akagi, JR Miller, B Walenz, S Koren, ...
Nature 486 (7404), 527-531, 2012
A genome-wide comparison of recent chimpanzee and human segmental duplications
Z Cheng, M Ventura, X She, P Khaitovich, T Graves, K Osoegawa, ...
Nature 437 (7055), 88-93, 2005
Noninvasive whole-genome sequencing of a human fetus
JO Kitzman, MW Snyder, M Ventura, AP Lewis, R Qiu, LVE Simmons, ...
Science translational medicine 4 (137), 137ra76-137ra76, 2012
High-resolution comparative analysis of great ape genomes
ZN Kronenberg, IT Fiddes, D Gordon, S Murali, S Cantsilieris, ...
Science 360 (6393), eaar6343, 2018
Gibbon genome and the fast karyotype evolution of small apes
L Carbone, R Alan Harris, S Gnerre, KR Veeramah, B Lorente-Galdos, ...
Nature 513 (7517), 195-201, 2014
Copy number variation of individual cattle genomes using next-generation sequencing
DM Bickhart, Y Hou, SG Schroeder, C Alkan, MF Cardone, ...
Genome research 22 (4), 778-790, 2012
Analysis of copy number variations among diverse cattle breeds
GE Liu, Y Hou, B Zhu, MF Cardone, L Jiang, A Cellamare, A Mitra, ...
Genome research 20 (5), 693-703, 2010
A burst of segmental duplications in the genome of the African great ape ancestor
T Marques-Bonet, JM Kidd, M Ventura, TA Graves, Z Cheng, LDW Hillier, ...
Nature 457 (7231), 877-881, 2009
The structure, function and evolution of a complete human chromosome 8
GA Logsdon, MR Vollger, PH Hsieh, Y Mao, MA Liskovykh, S Koren, ...
Nature 593 (7857), 101-107, 2021
Recurrent reciprocal genomic rearrangements of 17q12 are associated with renal disease, diabetes, and epilepsy
HC Mefford, S Clauin, AJ Sharp, RS Moller, R Ullmann, R Kapur, D Pinkel, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 81 (5), 1057-1069, 2007
Segmental duplications and their variation in a complete human genome
MR Vollger, X Guitart, PC Dishuck, L Mercuri, WT Harvey, A Gershman, ...
Science 376 (6588), eabj6965, 2022
Genomic characteristics of cattle copy number variations
Y Hou, GE Liu, DM Bickhart, MF Cardone, K Wang, E Kim, LK Matukumalli, ...
BMC genomics 12, 1-11, 2011
Ancestral reconstruction of segmental duplications reveals punctuated cores of human genome evolution
Z Jiang, H Tang, M Ventura, MF Cardone, T Marques-Bonet, X She, ...
Nature genetics 39 (11), 1361-1368, 2007
A genome-wide survey of structural variation between human and chimpanzee
TL Newman, E Tuzun, VA Morrison, KE Hayden, M Ventura, SD McGrath, ...
Genome research 15 (10), 1344-1356, 2005
Evolutionary toggling of the MAPT 17q21. 31 inversion region
MC Zody, Z Jiang, HC Fung, F Antonacci, LDW Hillier, MF Cardone, ...
Nature genetics 40 (9), 1076-1083, 2008
Heterozygous submicroscopic inversions involving olfactory receptor–gene clusters mediate the recurrent t (4; 8)(p16; p23) translocation
S Giglio, V Calvari, G Gregato, G Gimelli, S Camanini, R Giorda, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 71 (2), 276-285, 2002
The common marmoset genome provides insight into primate biology and evolution
TMG Sequencing, Analysis Consortium
Nature genetics 46 (8), 850, 2014
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