Sun Ho Jeong
Sun Ho Jeong
Konkuk University, Department of Mass Communication
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Will social media save newspapers? Examining the effectiveness of Facebook and Twitter as news platforms
A Ju, SH Jeong, HI Chyi
Journalism practice 8 (1), 1-17, 2014
Race and online content creation: Why minorities are actively participating in the Web
T Correa, SH Jeong
Information, Communication & Society 14 (5), 638-659, 2011
A case study of the Foxconn suicides: An international perspective to framing the sweatshop issue
L Guo, SH Hsu, A Holton, SH Jeong
International Communication Gazette 74 (5), 484-503, 2012
Transnational comparative framing: A model for an emerging framing approach
L Guo, A Holton, SH Jeong
International Journal of Communication 6, 24, 2012
언론인의 직무스트레스에 영향을 미치는 변인연구: 성별과 직위간 차이를 중심으로 [Factors influencing journalists’ occupational stress: A study of gender and occupational position …
S Joe, SH Jeong
사회과학연구 Journal of Social Science 28 (1), 215-234, 2017
Self-coverage for public interest or self-promotion: How media cross-ownership structures affect news content in South Korea
NY Lee, K Baek, JK Pae, SH Jeong, N Jung
Journalism 21 (12), 2025-2043, 2020
Will Social Media Save Newspapers
SH Jeong, HI Chyi
Journalism Practice 8 (1), 1-17, 2013
Individualization or Privatization of the North Korean Leader? Different Types of Media Personalization About Kim Jong-Un
SH Jeong, NY Lee
Journalism Practice 17 (7), 1554-1572, 2023
The lens on North Korea: Source reliance by South Korean and U.S. news of Kim Jong-Un
K Baek, SH Jeong
Korea Observer 51 (3), 411-436, 2020
Unraveling US Newspapers’ Digital and Print Subscriptions in the Context of Price, 2016–2022
HI Chyi, SH Jeong
Media and Communication 12, 2024
The rise and fall of social media in South Korea: Recollections and reflections from industry professionals and social media users
KH Kim, SH Jeong
Ewha Journal of Social Sciences 37 (1), 275-313, 2021
Talking With the'Hermit Regime'| Is Mr. Kim a “Nuclear Madman” or a “Reasonable Leader”? Media Framing of Kim Jong-un’s Images in South Korean and US Newspapers
NY Lee, K Baek, SH Jeong
International Journal of Communication 14, 1438-1462, 2020
Blurred boundaries of journalism and NGOs in the civic space: an inter-organizational network analysis of sustainable development, human rights, and journalism organizations
SH Jeong
사회적 약자의 뉴스 접근성 개선 방안 연구 [Improving news access of the socially disadvantaged]
Y Choi, S Kim, JH Chae, SH Jeong
Seoul: Korea Press Foundation, 2021
Population aging, ICT innovation, and media literacy in South Korea: ICT access among seniors and the remaining divides
SH Jeong, KH Kim
Demographics and innovation in the Asia-Pacific, Stanford University …, 2021
매스 커뮤니케이션 이론: 토대, 논쟁, 미래 [Mass Communication Theory: Foundations, Ferment, and Future]
HS Kim, KH Kim, SH Jeong
Seoul: Ewha Womans University Press, 2019
저널리즘 혁신 해외 연구 경향과 전략 [Innovations in journalism: Trends and strategies abroad]
J Choi, SC Yoo, SH Jeong
Seoul: Korea Press Foundation, 2016
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