Janette Rutterford
Janette Rutterford
Professor Emerita of Finance and Financial History, Open University
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An introduction to stock exchange investment
J Rutterford, M Davison
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017
From dividend yield to discounted cash flow: a history of UK and US equity valuation techniques
J Rutterford
Accounting, business & financial history 14 (2), 115-149, 2004
“The Widow, The Clergyman And The Reckless”: Women Investors In England, 1830—1914
J Rutterford, J Maltby
Feminist Economics 12 (1-2), 111-138, 2006
‘She possessed her own fortune’: Women investors from the late nineteenth century to the early twentieth century
J Maltby, J Rutterford
Business History 48 (02), 220-253, 2006
Who comprised the nation of shareholders? Gender and investment in Great Britain, c. 1870–1935
J Rutterford, DR Green, J Maltby, A Owens
The Economic History Review 64 (1), 157-187, 2011
Women and their money, 1700–1950
A Laurence, J Maltby, J Rutterford
Essays on women and finance, 2009
Stock market investors' use of stop losses and the disposition effect
DW Richards, J Rutterford, D Kodwani, M Fenton-O'Creevy
The European Journal of Finance 23 (2), 130-152, 2017
“The nesting instinct”: women and investment risk in a historical context
J Rutterford, J Maltby
Accounting History 12 (3), 305-327, 2007
Financial diversification before modern portfolio theory: UK financial advice documents in the late nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century
J Rutterford, DP Sotiropoulos
The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 23 (6), 919-945, 2016
An International Perspective on the Capital Structure Puzzle
J Rutterford
New Perspectives on International Finance, 1988
Financial strategy
J Rutterford, M Upton, D Kodwani
John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2006
Learning from one another's mistakes: investment trusts in the UK and the US, 1868–1940
J Rutterford
Financial history review 16 (2), 157-181, 2009
Individual investors and local bias in the UK, 1870–1935
J Rutterford, DP Sotiropoulos, C Van Lieshout
The Economic History Review 70 (4), 1291-1320, 2017
The rise of the small investor in the United States and United Kingdom, 1895 to 1970
J Rutterford, DP Sotiropoulos
Enterprise & Society 18 (3), 485-535, 2017
The shareholder voice: British and American accents, 1890–1965
J Rutterford
Enterprise & Society 13 (1), 120-153, 2012
Contractual freedom and corporate governance in Britain in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
TW Guinnane, R Harris, NR Lamoreaux
Business History Review 91 (2), 227-277, 2017
Going multilateral? Financial markets' access and the L eague of N ations loans, 1923–8
JH Flores Zendejas, Y Decorzant
The Economic History Review 69 (2), 653-678, 2016
Financial market history: reflections on the past for investors today
D Chambers, E Dimson
CFA Institute Research Foundation, 2016
Is the disposition effect related to investors’ reliance on System 1 and System 2 processes or their strategy of emotion regulation?
DW Richards, M Fenton-O'Creevy, J Rutterford, DG Kodwani
Journal of Economic Psychology 66, 79-92, 2018
Men, women, and money: perspectives on gender, wealth, and investment 1850-1930
DR Green, A Owens, J Maltby, J Rutterford
OUP Oxford, 2011
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