Nassim Moula
Nassim Moula
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Performances of local poultry breed fed black soldier fly larvae reared on horse manure
N Moula, ML Scippo, C Douny, G Degand, E Dawans, JF Cabaraux, ...
Animal Nutrition 4 (1), 73-78, 2018
Comparison of egg production, quality and composition in three production systems for laying hens
FX Philippe, Y Mahmoudi, D Cinq-Mars, M Lefrançois, N Moula, ...
Livestock Science 232, 103917, 2020
Phenotypic characterization of the indigenous chickens (Gallus gallus) in the northwest of Algeria
L Dahloum, N Moula, M Halbouche, S Mignon-Grasteau
Archives Animal Breeding 59 (1), 79-90, 2016
A meta-analysis of the effects of insects in feed on poultry growth performances
N Moula, J Detilleux
Animals 9 (5), 201, 2019
The Ri chicken breed and livelihoods in North Vietnam: characterization and prospects
N Moula, PK Dang, F Farnir, VD Ton, DV Binh, P Leroy, ...
Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics …, 2011
A basic characterization of small-holders’ goat production systems in Laghouat area, Algeria
M Laouadi, S Tennah, N Kafidi, N Antoine-Moussiaux, N Moula
Pastoralism 8, 1-8, 2018
Mixed coagulant-flocculant optimization for pharmaceutical effluent pretreatment using response surface methodology and Gaussian process regression
H Tahraoui, AE Belhadj, Z Triki, NR Boudellal, S Seder, A Amrane, ...
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 169, 909-927, 2023
Comparative study of egg quality traits in two Belgian local breeds and two commercial lines of chickens
N Moula, N Antoine-Moussiaux, E Decuypere, F Farnir, K Mertens, ...
Arch. Geflügelkunde 74, 164-171, 2010
Aviculture familiale au Bas-Congo, République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)
N Moula, N Detiffe, F Farnir, N Antoine-Moussiaux, P Leroy
Livestock Research for Rural Development 24 (5), 2012
Effect of storage and cooking on the fatty acid profile of omega‐3 enriched eggs and pork meat marketed in Belgium
C Douny, R El Khoury, J Delmelle, F Brose, G Degand, N Moula, F Farnir, ...
Food Science & Nutrition 3 (2), 140-152, 2015
Réhabilitation socio-économique d’une poule locale en voie d’extinction: la poule Kabyle (Thayazit lekvayel).
N Moula, N Antoine-Moussiaux, F Farnir, J Detilleux, P Leroy
Annales de Médecine vétérinaire 153, 2009
Productive performance and egg and meat quality of two indigenous poultry breeds in Vietnam, Ho and Dong Tao, fed on commercial feed
D Nguyen Van, N Moula, E Moyse, L Do Duc, T Vu Dinh, F Farnir
Animals 10 (3), 408, 2020
Effect of the essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis (L.) on rooster sperm motility during 4 C short-term storage
L Touazi, B Aberkane, Y Bellik, N Moula, M Iguer-Ouada
Veterinary world 11 (5), 590, 2018
Presence of antimicrobial resistance in coliform bacteria from hatching broiler eggs with emphasis on ESBL/AmpC-producing bacteria
H Mezhoud, I Chantziaras, M Iguer-Ouada, N Moula, A Garmyn, A Martel, ...
Avian Pathology 45 (4), 493-500, 2016
Effect of Corn Substitution by Sorghum Grain with Low Tannin Content on Broilers Production: Animal Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Carcass Characteristics
MT Diaw, TD Mamadou, D Abdoulaye, Y Gildas, Marie Louis, C Ndiaga, ...
Int. J. Poult. Sci. 13 (10), 552-554, 2014
Comparison of egg composition and conservation ability in two Belgian local breeds and one commercial strain
N Moula, N Antoine-Moussiaux, F Farnir, P Leroy
International Journal of poultry science 8 (8), 768-774, 2009
Quality assessment of marketed eggs in Bassekabylie (Algeria)
N Moula, A Ait-Kaki, P Leroy, N Antoine-Moussiaux
Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 15, 395-399, 2013
Effects of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) powder on laying performance, egg quality, and serum biochemical parameters of Japanese quails
N Moula, A Sadoudi, L Touazi, P Leroy, F Geda
Animal Nutrition 5 (4), 410-415, 2019
Evaluation of the production performances of an endangered local poultry breed, the Famennoise
N Moula, N Antoine-Moussiaux, F Farnir, P Leroy
Int. J. Poult. Sci 8 (4), 389-396, 2009
Optimisation and prediction of the coagulant dose for the elimination of organic micropollutants based on turbidity
H Tahraoui, AE Belhadj, N Moula, S Bouranene, A Amrane
Kemija u industriji 70 (11-12), 675-691, 2021
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