Paul Cousins
Paul Cousins
Emeritus Professor (Retired: August 2024)
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Citované v
The role of supply management capabilities in green supply
FE Bowen, PD Cousins, RC Lamming, AC Farukt
Production and operations management 10 (2), 174-189, 2001
The implications of socialization and integration in supply chain management
PD Cousins, B Menguc
Journal of operations management 24 (5), 604-620, 2006
Creating supply chain relational capital: The impact of formal and informal socialization processes
PD Cousins, RB Handfield, B Lawson, KJ Petersen
Journal of operations management 24 (6), 851-863, 2006
Knowledge Sharing in Interorganizational Product Development Teams: The Effect of Formal and Informal Socialization Mechanisms*
B Lawson, KJ Petersen, PD Cousins, RB Handfield
Journal of Product Innovation Management 26 (2), 156-172, 2009
Developing the concept of supply strategy
CM Harland, RC Lamming, PD Cousins
International journal of operations & production management 19 (7), 650-674, 1999
Antecedents and consequences of social capital on buyer performance improvement
B Lawson, BB Tyler, PD Cousins
Journal of Operations management 26 (3), 446-460, 2008
Horses for courses: explaining the gap between the theory and practice of green supply
F Bowen, P Cousins, R Lamming, A Faruk
Greening the supply chain, 151-172, 2006
Strategic supply management: principles, theories and practice
P Cousins, R Lamming, B Squire
Pearson Education, 2008
Strategic supply and the management of inter-and intra-organisational relationships
PD Cousins, R Spekman
Journal of Purchasing and supply Management 9 (1), 19-29, 2003
A conceptual model for managing long-term inter-organisational relationships
PD Cousins
European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 8 (2), 71-82, 2002
Investigating green supply chain management practices and performance: The moderating roles of supply chain ecocentricity and traceability
PD Cousins, B Lawson, KJ Petersen, B Fugate
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 39 (5), 767-786, 2019
The alignment of appropriate firm and supply strategies for competitive advantage
PD Cousins
International Journal of Operations & production management 25 (5), 403-428, 2005
Performance measurement in strategic buyer‐supplier relationships: the mediating role of socialization mechanisms
PD Cousins, B Lawson, B Squire
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 28 (3), 238-258, 2008
An empirical taxonomy of purchasing functions
PD Cousins, B Lawson, B Squire
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 26 (7), 775-794, 2006
The role of risk in environment‐related supplier initiatives
PD Cousins, RC Lamming, F Bowen
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 24 (6), 554-565, 2004
Cooperation and Knowledge Transfer within Buyer–Supplier Relationships: The Moderating Properties of Trust, Relationship Duration and Supplier Performance*
B Squire, PD Cousins, S Brown
British Journal of Management 20 (4), 461-477, 2009
Value stream management: Strategy and excellence in the supply chain
P Hines, R Lamming, D Jones, P Cousins, N Rich
Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2000
How can supply management really improve performance? A knowledge‐based model of alignment capabilities
RB Handfield, PD Cousins, B Lawson, KJ Petersen
Journal of Supply Chain Management 51 (3), 3-17, 2015
Strategic purchasing, supply management practices and buyer performance improvement: an empirical study of UK manufacturing organisations
B Lawson, PD Cousins, RB Handfield, KJ Petersen
International Journal of Production Research 47 (10), 2649-2667, 2009
Analyzing, mapping, and managing environmental impacts along supply chains
AC Faruk, RC Lamming, PD Cousins, FE Bowen
Journal of industrial Ecology 5 (2), 13-36, 2001
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