Stavros Georgiou
Stavros Georgiou
UK Health and Safety Executive; University of Reading
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Valuing nature: lessons learned and future research directions
RK Turner, J Paavola, P Cooper, S Farber, V Jessamy, S Georgiou
Ecological economics 46 (3), 493-510, 2003
The aggregation of environmental benefit values: welfare measures, distance decay and total WTP
IJ Bateman, BH Day, S Georgiou, I Lake
Ecological economics 60 (2), 450-460, 2006
Economic valuation of water resources in agriculture: From the sectoral to a functional perspective of natural resource management
JB RK Turner, S Georgiow, R Clark, R Brouwer
FAO, 2004
Economic valuation of water resources in agriculture: From the sectoral to a functional perspective of natural resource management
JB R K Turner, S Georgiow, R Clark, R Brouwer
FAO, 2004
Economics and wetland management
K Turner
Ambio, 59-63, 1991
Valuing ecosystem services: the case of multi-functional wetlands
S Georgiou, RK Turner
Routledge, 2012
Economic values and the environment in the developing world.
S Georgiou, D Whittington, D Pearce, D Moran
Comparing contingent valuation and contingent ranking: A case study considering the benefits of urban river water quality improvements
IJ Bateman, MA Cole, S Georgiou, DJ Hadley
Journal of environmental management 79 (3), 221-231, 2006
On visible choice sets and scope sensitivity
IJ Bateman, M Cole, P Cooper, S Georgiou, D Hadley, GL Poe
Journal of environmental economics and management 47 (1), 71-93, 2004
Managing nutrient fluxes and pollution in the Baltic: an interdisciplinary simulation study
RK Turner, S Georgiou, M Gren, F Wulff, S Barrett, T Söderqvist, ...
Ecological economics 30 (2), 333-352, 1999
Animal waste, water quality and human health
A Dufour, J Bartram
IWA publishing, 2012
The social cost of fuel cycles
D Pearce, C Bann, S Georgiou
Integrating stakeholder analysis in non-market valuation of environmental assets
A Kontogianni, MS Skourtos, IH Langford, IJ Bateman, S Georgiou
Ecological Economics 37 (1), 123-138, 2001
Analysing the agricultural costs and non‐market benefits of implementing the Water Framework Directive
IJ Bateman, R Brouwer, H Davies, BH Day, A Deflandre, SD Falco, ...
Journal of agricultural economics 57 (2), 221-237, 2006
Determinants of individuals' willingness to pay for perceived reductions in environmental health risks: a case study of bathing water quality
S Georgiou, IH Langford, IJ Bateman, RK Turner
Environment and Planning A 30 (4), 577-594, 1998
Public perceptions of health risks from polluted coastal bathing waters: a mixed methodological analysis using cultural theory
IH Langford, S Georgiou, IJ Bateman, RJ Day, RK Turner
Risk analysis 20 (5), 691-704, 2000
Project and Policy Appraisal: Integrating Economics and Environment
SG Dale Whittington, David Pearce
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1994
Economic valuation of environmental and resource costs and benefits in the water framework directive: technical guidelines for practitioners
R Brouwer, D Barton, I Bateman, L Brander, S Georgiou, J Martín-Ortega, ...
Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2009
Multivariate mixed models for open-ended contingent valuation data: willingness to pay for conservation of monk seals
IH Langford*, A Kontogianni, MS Skourtos, S Georgiou, IJ Bateman
Environmental and Resource Economics 12, 443-456, 1998
Economic valuation of policies for managing acidity in remote mountain lakes: Examining validity through scope sensitivity testing
IJ Bateman, P Cooper, S Georgiou, S Navrud, GL Poe, RC Ready, ...
Aquatic Sciences 67, 274-291, 2005
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