Aamir Shahzad,PhD
Aamir Shahzad,PhD
Associate Professor at COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad campus.
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Citované v
An implementation of normal distribution based segmentation and entropy controlled features selection for skin lesion detection and classification
MA Khan, T Akram, M Sharif, A Shahzad, K Aurangzeb, M Alhussein, ...
BMC cancer 18, 1-20, 2018
LSTM neural network based forecasting model for wheat production in Pakistan
SA Haider, SR Naqvi, T Akram, GA Umar, A Shahzad, MR Sial, S Khaliq, ...
Agronomy 9 (2), 72, 2019
A novel framework for rapid diagnosis of COVID-19 on computed tomography scans
T Akram, M Attique, S Gul, A Shahzad, M Altaf, SSR Naqvi, ...
Pattern analysis and applications, 1-14, 2021
Unsupervised method for retinal vessel segmentation based on gabor wavelet and multiscale line detector
SAA Shah, A Shahzad, MA Khan, CK Lu, TB Tang
IEEE Access 7, 167221-167228, 2019
Hyperspectral venous image quality assessment for optimum illumination range selection based on skin tone characteristics
A Shahzad, MN Saad, N Walter, AS Malik, F Meriaudeau
Biomedical engineering online 13, 1-13, 2014
Implementation of a modified U-Net for medical image segmentation on edge devices
O Ali, H Ali, SAA Shah, A Shahzad
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 69 (11), 4593-4597, 2022
Boosting the face recognition performance of ensemble based LDA for pose, non-uniform illuminations, and low-resolution images
MU Haq, A Shahzad, Z Mahmood, AA Shah, N Muhammad, T Akram
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 13 (6), 3144-3164, 2019
Automatic fruits freshness classification using CNN and transfer learning
U Amin, MI Shahzad, A Shahzad, M Shahzad, U Khan, Z Mahmood
Applied Sciences 13 (14), 8087, 2023
Prototype design for wearable veins localization system using near infrared imaging technique
GC Meng, A Shahzad, NM Saad, AS Malik, F Meriaudeau
2015 IEEE 11th international colloquium on signal processing & its …, 2015
Smart devices based multisensory approach for complex human activity recognition
MA Hanif, T Akram, A Shahzad, MA Khan, U Tariq, JI Choi, Y Nam, ...
Comput. Mater. Contin 70, 3221-3234, 2022
A review on subcutaneous veins localization using imaging techniques
A Shahzad, M Naufal Mohamad Saad, N Walter, A Saeed Malik, ...
Current Medical Imaging Reviews 10 (2), 125-133, 2014
Multifilters-based unsupervised method for retinal blood vessel segmentation
N Muzammil, SAA Shah, A Shahzad, MA Khan, RM Ghoniem
Applied Sciences 12 (13), 6393, 2022
Multispectral venous images analysis for optimum illumination selection
A Shahzad, W Nicolas, AS Malik, M Saad, M Naufal, F Meriaudeau
Quality of Service‐Based Node Relocation Technique for Mobile Sensor Networks
AA Awan, MA Khan, AN Malik, SAA Shah, A Shahzad, B Nazir, IA Khan, ...
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2019 (1), 5043187, 2019
COMSATS face: A dataset of face images with pose variations, its design, and aspects
MU Haq, MAJ Sethi, R Ullah, A Shazhad, L Hasan, GM Karami
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2022 (1), 4589057, 2022
An efficient nodes failure recovery management algorithm for mobile sensor networks
RN Jadoon, AA Awan, MA Khan, WY Zhou, A Shahzad
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2020 (1), 1749467, 2020
Veins depth estimation using diffused reflectance parameter
R Nawaz Jadoon, A Shahzad, SAA Shah, MA Khan, T Akram, WY Zhou
Applied Sciences 10 (22), 8238, 2020
An empirical study of image resolution and pose on automatic face recognition
F Munawar, U Khan, A Shahzad, MU Haq, Z Mahmood, S Khattak, ...
2019 16th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and …, 2019
Subcutaneous veins detection and backprojection method using Frangi vesselness filter
A Shahzad, CM Goh, NM Saad, N Walter, AS Malik, F Meriaudeau
2015 IEEE symposium on computer applications & industrial electronics …, 2015
An efficient method for subcutaneous veins localization using Near Infrared imaging
A Shahzad, NM Saad, N Walter, AS Malik, F Meriaudeau
2014 5th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS …, 2014
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