Associate Professor Esmaeil Ebrahimie
Associate Professor Esmaeil Ebrahimie
The University of Adelaide, La Trobe University, The University of Melbourne
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Citované v
Predicting academic performance by considering student heterogeneity
S Helal, J Li, L Liu, E Ebrahimie, S Dawson, DJ Murray, Q Long
Knowledge-Based Systems 161, 134-146, 2018
The androgen receptor is a tumor suppressor in estrogen receptor–positive breast cancer
TE Hickey, LA Selth, KM Chia, G Laven-Law, HH Milioli, D Roden, ...
Nature medicine 27 (2), 310-320, 2021
Using the zebrafish model for Alzheimer’s disease research
M Newman, E Ebrahimie, M Lardelli
Frontiers in genetics 5, 189, 2014
Comprehensive analysis of machine learning models for prediction of sub-clinical mastitis: Deep Learning and Gradient-Boosted Trees outperform other models
M Ebrahimi, M Mohammadi-Dehcheshmeh, E Ebrahimie, KR Petrovski
Computers in biology and medicine 114, 103456, 2019
MicroRNA-194 promotes prostate cancer metastasis by inhibiting SOCS2
R Das, PA Gregory, RC Fernandes, I Denis, Q Wang, SL Townley, ...
Cancer research 77 (4), 1021-1034, 2017
Integration of machine learning and meta-analysis identifies the transcriptomic bio-signature of mastitis disease in cattle
S Sharifi, A Pakdel, M Ebrahimi, JM Reecy, S Fazeli Farsani, E Ebrahimie
PLoS one 13 (2), e0191227, 2018
DrugMiner: comparative analysis of machine learning algorithms for prediction of potential druggable proteins
AA Jamali, R Ferdousi, S Razzaghi, J Li, R Safdari, E Ebrahimie
Drug discovery today 21 (5), 718-724, 2016
A large-scale study of indicators of sub-clinical mastitis in dairy cattle by attribute weighting analysis of milk composition features: highlighting the predictive power of …
E Ebrahimie, F Ebrahimi, M Ebrahimi, S Tomlinson, KR Petrovski
Journal of dairy research 85 (2), 193-200, 2018
Determining the most important physiological and agronomic traits contributing to maize grain yield through machine learning algorithms: a new avenue in intelligent agriculture
A Shekoofa, Y Emam, N Shekoufa, M Ebrahimi, E Ebrahimie
PloS one 9 (5), e97288, 2014
Differential expression of seven conserved microRNAs in response to abiotic stress and their regulatory network in Helianthus annuus
R Ebrahimi Khaksefidi, S Mirlohi, F Khalaji, Z Fakhari, B Shiran, H Fallahi, ...
Frontiers in plant science 6, 741, 2015
Identifying key factors of student academic performance by subgroup discovery
S Helal, J Li, L Liu, E Ebrahimie, S Dawson, DJ Murray
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 7, 227-245, 2019
The magnitude of androgen receptor positivity in breast cancer is critical for reliable prediction of disease outcome
C Ricciardelli, T Bianco-Miotto, S Jindal, LM Butler, S Leung, CM McNeil, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 24 (10), 2328-2341, 2018
Prediction of thermostability from amino acid attributes by combination of clustering with attribute weighting: a new vista in engineering enzymes
M Ebrahimi, A Lakizadeh, P Agha-Golzadeh, E Ebrahimie, M Ebrahimi
PloS one 6 (8), e23146, 2011
Underlying functional genomics of fat deposition in adipose tissue
MR Bakhtiarizadeh, M Moradi-Shahrbabak, E Ebrahimie
Gene 521 (1), 122-128, 2013
Integrative meta-analysis of transcriptomic responses to abiotic stress in cotton
A Tahmasebi, E Ashrafi-Dehkordi, AG Shahriari, SM Mazloomi, ...
Progress in biophysics and molecular biology 146, 112-122, 2019
Comparative GO: a web application for comparative gene ontology and gene ontology-based gene selection in bacteria
M Fruzangohar, E Ebrahimie, AD Ogunniyi, LK Mahdi, JC Paton, ...
PloS one 8 (3), e58759, 2013
The inhibitory effect of ginger extract on ovarian cancer cell line; application of systems biology
R Pashaei-Asl, F Pashaei-Asl, PM Gharabaghi, K Khodadadi, M Ebrahimi, ...
Advanced pharmaceutical bulletin 7 (2), 241, 2017
Hierarchical pattern recognition in milking parameters predicts mastitis prevalence
E Ebrahimie, F Ebrahimi, M Ebrahimi, S Tomlinson, KR Petrovski
Computers and electronics in agriculture 147, 6-11, 2018
De novo transcriptome assembly and comparative analysis of differentially expressed genes in Prunus dulcis Mill. in response to freezing stress
S Mousavi, A Alisoltani, B Shiran, H Fallahi, E Ebrahimie, A Imani, ...
PloS one 9 (8), e104541, 2014
A rapid and efficient method for regeneration of plantlets from embryo explants of cumin (Cuminum cyminum)
E Ebrahimie, AA Habashi, B Ghareyazie, M Ghannadha, M Mohammadie
Plant cell, tissue and organ culture 75, 19-25, 2003
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