Tzung-Cheng Huan
Tzung-Cheng Huan
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The good, the bad and the ugly on COVID-19 tourism recovery
A Fotiadis, S Polyzos, TCTC Huan
Annals of tourism research 87, 103117, 2021
Critical service features in group package tour: An exploratory research
KC Wang, AT Hsieh, TC Huan
Tourism Management 21 (2), 177-189, 2000
Nostalgic emotion, experiential value, brand image, and consumption intentions of customers of nostalgic-themed restaurants
HB Chen, SS Yeh, TC Huan
Journal of Business Research 67 (3), 354-360, 2014
Tourist shopping preferences and expenditure behaviours: The case of the Taiwanese outbound market
XY Lehto, LA Cai, JT O’Leary, TC Huan
Journal of vacation Marketing 10 (4), 320-332, 2004
Nostalgia as travel motivation and its impact on tourists' loyalty
AMW Leong, SS Yeh, YC Hsiao, TCTC Huan
Journal of Business Research 68 (1), 81-86, 2015
Determining the motivation of wellness travelers
JS Chen, N Prebensen, TC Huan
Anatolia 19 (1), 103-115, 2008
No-escape natural disaster: Mitigating impacts on tourism
TC Huan, J Beaman, L Shelby
Annals of Tourism Research 31 (2), 255-273, 2004
Engage or quit? The moderating role of abusive supervision between resilience, intention to leave and work engagement
YD Dai, WL Zhuang, TC Huan
Tourism Management 70, 69-77, 2019
Performance evaluation of tourism websites' information quality of four global destination brands: Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Taipei
U Bastida, TC Huan
Journal of Business Research 67 (2), 167-170, 2014
Free time management contributes to better quality of life: A study of undergraduate students in Taiwan
WC Wang, CH Kao, TC Huan, CC Wu
Journal of happiness studies 12, 561-573, 2011
Exploring the influence of tourists’ happiness on revisit intention in the context of Traditional Chinese Medicine cultural tourism
J Peng, X Yang, S Fu, TCTC Huan
Tourism Management 94, 104647, 2023
Renewal or not? Consumer response to a renewed corporate social responsibility strategy: Evidence from the coffee shop industry
Y Li, B Liu, TCTC Huan
Tourism Management 72, 170-179, 2019
Reinterpreting the theory of planned behavior and its application to green hotel consumption intention
SS Yeh, X Guan, TY Chiang, JL Ho, TCTC Huan
International Journal of Hospitality Management 94, 102827, 2021
Applying complexity theory to solve hospitality contrarian case conundrums: Illuminating happy-low and unhappy-high performing frontline service employees
JPH Hsiao, C Jaw, TC Huan, AG Woodside
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 27 (4), 608-647, 2015
Crafting and testing a central precept in service-dominant logic: Hotel employees’ brand-citizenship behavior and customers’ brand trust
LS Xie, JM Peng, TC Huan
International Journal of Hospitality Management 42, 1-8, 2014
Tourists’ travel intention: Revisiting the TPB model with age and perceived risk as moderator and attitude as mediator
LH Wang, SS Yeh, KY Chen, TC Huan
Tourism Review 77 (3), 877-896, 2022
The new logic in building isomorphic theory of management decision realities
AG Woodside, E Ko, TC Huan
Management Decision 50 (5), 765-777, 2012
Assessing the impact of work environment factors on employee creative performance of fine-dining restaurants
SS Yeh, TC Huan
Tourism Management 58, 119-131, 2017
Applying configural analysis to explaining rural-tourism success recipes
A Fotiadis, SS Yeh, TCTC Huan
Journal of Business Research 69 (4), 1479-1483, 2016
Using action-grids in tourism management
TC Huan, J Beaman, LB Shelby
Tourism Management 23 (3), 255-264, 2002
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