Bogdashov AA
Bogdashov AA
Institute of Applied Physics RAS
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Citované v
Ka-band gyrotron traveling-wave tubes with the highest continuous-wave and average power
SV Samsonov, IG Gachev, GG Denisov, AA Bogdashov, SV Mishakin, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 61 (12), 4264-4267, 2014
Mirror synthesis for gyrotron quasi-optical mode converters
AA Bogdashov, AV Chirkov, GG Denisov, DV Vinogradov, AN Kuftin, ...
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 16, 735-744, 1995
Asymptotic theory of high-efficiency converters of higher-order waveguide modes into eigenwaves of open mirror lines
AA Bogdashov, GG Denisov
Radiophysics and quantum electronics 47 (4), 283-296, 2004
Gyrotron development for high power THz technologies at IAP RAS
VL Bratman, AA Bogdashov, GG Denisov, MY Glyavin, YK Kalynov, ...
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 33, 715-723, 2012
CW operation of a W-band high-gain helical-waveguide gyrotron traveling-wave tube
SV Samsonov, GG Denisov, IG Gachev, AA Bogdashov
IEEE Electron Device Letters 41 (5), 773-776, 2020
Frequency-tunable CW gyro-BWO with a helically rippled operating waveguide
SV Samsonov, GG Denisov, VL Bratman, AA Bogdashov, MY Glyavin, ...
IEEE transactions on plasma science 32 (3), 884-889, 2004
Development of a prototype of a 1-MW 105-156-GHz multifrequency gyrotron
VE Zapevalov, AA Bogdashov, GG Denisov, AN Kuftin, VK Lygin, ...
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 47, 396-404, 2004
Experimental study of the pulsed terahertz gyrotron with record-breaking power and efficiency parameters
MY Glyavin, AG Luchinin, AA Bogdashov, VN Manuilov, MV Morozkin, ...
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 56, 497-507, 2014
Cascade of Two -Band Helical-Waveguide Gyro-TWTs With High Gain and Output Power: Concept and Modeling
SV Samsonov, AA Bogdashov, GG Denisov, IG Gachev, SV Mishakin
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 64 (3), 1305-1309, 2017
Cyclotron resonance maser with zigzag quasi-optical transmission line: Concept and modeling
SV Samsonov, GG Denisov, AA Bogdashov, IG Gachev
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 68 (11), 5846-5850, 2021
High-efficient mode converter for ITER gyrotron
AA Bogdashov, AV Chirkov, GG Denisov, AN Kuftin, YV Rodin, ...
International journal of infrared and millimeter waves 26, 771-785, 2005
Microwave system for feeding and extracting power to and from a gyrotron traveling-wave tube through one window
GG Denisov, SV Samsonov, SV Mishakin, AA Bogdashov
IEEE Electron Device Letters 35 (7), 789-791, 2014
New results in development of MW output power gyrotrons for fusion systems
AG Litvak, GG Denisov, VI Ilin, VI Kurbatov, VE Myasnikov, ...
Mode converter synthesis by the particle swarm optimization
AA Bogdashov, YV Rodin
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 28, 627-638, 2007
Ka-Band 100-kW Subnanosecond Pulse Generator Mode-Locked by a Nonlinear Cyclotron Resonance Absorber
NS Ginzburg, SV Samsonov, GG Denisov, MN Vilkov, IV Zotova, ...
Physical Review Applied 16 (5), 054045, 2021
Plans for a new ECRH system at ASDEX upgrade
F Leuterer, K Kirov, F Monaco, M Münich, H Schütz, F Ryter, D Wagner, ...
Fusion engineering and design 66, 537-542, 2003
Proof-of-principle experiment on high-power gyrotron traveling-wave tube with a microwave system for driving and extracting power through one window
SV Samsonov, AA Bogdashov, IG Gachev, GG Denisov, SV Mishakin
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 26 (4), 288-290, 2016
Frequency stabilization in a sub-terahertz gyrotron with delayed reflections of output radiation
MY Glyavin, I Ogawa, IV Zotova, NS Ginzburg, AP Fokin, AS Sergeev, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 46 (7), 2465-2469, 2018
Ka-band resonant ring for testing components for a high-gradient linear accelerator
A Bogdashov, G Denisov, D Lukovnikov, Y Rodin, J Hirshfield
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 53 (10), 3152-3155, 2005
Стабилизация частоты гиротрона под влиянием внешнего монохроматического сигнала или отраженной от нагрузки волны: обзор
ЮВ Новожилова, ГГ Денисов, МЮ Глявин, НМ Рыскин, ВЛ Бакунин, ...
Известия высших учебных заведений. Прикладная нелинейная динамика 25 (1), 4-34, 2017
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