Chengjian Liu
Chengjian Liu
College of Big Data and Internet, Shenzhen Technology University
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Citované v
Citované v
Benchmarking the memory hierarchy of modern GPUs
X Mei, K Zhao, C Liu, X Chu
Network and Parallel Computing: 11th IFIP WG 10.3 International Conference …, 2014
A quantitative survey of communication optimizations in distributed deep learning
S Shi, Z Tang, X Chu, C Liu, W Wang, B Li
IEEE Network 35 (3), 230-237, 2020
Perasure: a parallel cauchy reed-solomon coding library for gpus
X Chu, C Liu, K Ouyang, LS Yung, H Liu, YW Leung
2015 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 436-441, 2015
G-crs: Gpu accelerated cauchy reed-solomon coding
C Liu, Q Wang, X Chu, YW Leung
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 29 (7), 1484-1498, 2018
Ensuring the security and performance of IoT communication by improving encryption and decryption with the lightweight cipher uBlock
C Liu, Y Zhang, J Xu, J Zhao, S Xiang
IEEE Systems Journal 16 (4), 5489-5500, 2022
Towards more efficient ophthalmic disease classification and lesion location via convolution transformer
H Wen, J Zhao, S Xiang, L Lin, C Liu, T Wang, L An, L Liang, B Huang
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 220, 106832, 2022
An erasure-coded storage system for edge computing
L Liang, H He, J Zhao, C Liu, Q Luo, X Chu
IEEE Access 8, 96271-96283, 2020
Schemoe: An extensible mixture-of-experts distributed training system with tasks scheduling
S Shi, X Pan, Q Wang, C Liu, X Ren, Z Hu, Y Yang, B Li, X Chu
Proceedings of the Nineteenth European Conference on Computer Systems, 236-249, 2024
Esetstore: An erasure-coded storage system with fast data recovery
C Liu, Q Wang, X Chu, YW Leung, H Liu
IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 31 (9), 2001-2016, 2020
Dear: Accelerating distributed deep learning with fine-grained all-reduce pipelining
L Zhang, S Shi, X Chu, W Wang, B Li, C Liu
2023 IEEE 43rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2023
Gpgpu performance estimation for frequency scaling using cross-benchmarking
Q Wang, C Liu, X Chu
Proceedings of the 13th Annual Workshop on General Purpose Processing Using …, 2020
R-Memcached: A reliable in-memory cache for big key-value stores
C Liu, K Ouyang, X Chu, H Liu, YW Leung
Tsinghua Science and Technology 20 (6), 560-573, 2015
R-memcached: A reliable in-memory cache system for big key-value stores
C Liu, K Ouyang, X Chu, H Liu, YW Leung
International Conference on Big Data Computing and Communications, 243-256, 2015
Decoupling the all-reduce primitive for accelerating distributed deep learning
L Zhang, S Shi, X Chu, W Wang, B Li, C Liu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.12445, 2023
ESet: Placing data towards efficient recovery for large-scale erasure-coded storage systems
C Liu, X Chu, H Liu, YW Leung
2016 25th international conference on computer communication and networks …, 2016
Efficient data loading for deep neural network training
C Liu, P Shi, Y Li, L Liang, L Lin
2023 9th International Conference on Big Data Computing and Communications …, 2023
Communication-efficient distributed deep learning: Survey, evaluation, and challenges
S Shi, Z Tang, X Chu, C Liu, W Wang, B Li
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.13247, 2020
Understanding the Data Traffic of Uncore in Westmere NUMA Architecture
Q Luo, C Kong, Y Zhou, G Liu, C Liu
2014 22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and …, 2014
Quantitatively Measuring the Memory Locality Leakage on NUMA Systems based on Instruction-Based-Sampling
Q Luo, C Liu, C Kong, Y Cai
2012 13th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing …, 2012
MAP-numa: Access Patterns Used to Characterize the NUMA Memory Access Optimization Techniques and Algorithms
Q Luo, C Liu, C Kong, Y Cai
Network and Parallel Computing: 9th IFIP International Conference, NPC 2012 …, 2012
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