Saskia M. Waechter
Saskia M. Waechter
PhD Neural Engineering, Trinity College Dublin
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Citované v
Dual motor-cognitive virtual reality training impacts dual-task performance in freezing of gait
I Killane, C Fearon, L Newman, C McDonnell, SM Waechter, K Sons, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 19 (6), 1855-1861, 2015
Motor preparation rather than decision-making differentiates Parkinson’s disease patients with and without freezing of gait
JS Butler, C Fearon, I Killane, SM Waechter, RB Reilly, T Lynch
Clinical neurophysiology 128 (3), 463-471, 2017
The impact of dual tasking on cognitive performance in a Parkinson's disease cohort with and without freezing of gait: An EEG and behavioral based approach
SM Waechter, C Fearon, C McDonnell, J Gallego, B Quinlivan, I Killane, ...
2015 7th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER …, 2015
Virtual reality sound localization testing in cochlear implant users
SD Sechler, AL Valdes, SM Waechter, C Simoes-Franklin, L Viani, ...
2017 8th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 379-382, 2017
Sequential bilateral implantation in older children: Inter‐implant map differences and their effects on functional outcomes
C Simões‐Franklin, I Flood, S Sechler, A Lopez‐Valdes, SM Waechter, ...
Clinical Otolaryngology 45 (4), 459-465, 2020
Neurophysiological correlates of dual tasking in people with Parkinson’s disease and freezing of gait
C Fearon, JS Butler, SM Waechter, I Killane, SP Kelly, RB Reilly, T Lynch
Experimental Brain Research 239, 175-187, 2021
Cochlear implant artefact reduction in electroencephalography data obtained with the auditory oddball paradigm and stimuli with differing envelopes *
SM Waechter, C Simoes-Franklin, J Smith, L Viani, RB Reilly
2019 9th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 203-206, 2019
Depth matters-towards finding an objective neurophysiological measure of behavioral amplitude modulation detection based on neural threshold determination
SM Waechter, AL Valdes, C Simoes-Franklin, L Viani, RB Reilly
Hearing Research 359, 13-22, 2018
Current source density approaches improve spatial resolution in event related potential analysis in people with Parkinson's disease
C Fearon, J Butler, SM Waechter, I Killane, RB Reilly, T Lynch
Technological University Dublin, 2019
EEG shows subclinical motor preparation deficits in Parkinson's disease patients with freezing of gait during locomotion
C Fearon, J Butler, S Waechter, I Killane, L Newman, T Munteanu, ...
Movement Disorders 32, 2017
Mismatch response versus acoustic change complex: Assessment of auditory temporal fine structure processing-finding an objective paradigm.
S Hablani, SM Waechter, RB Reilly
Journal of Hearing Science 7 (2), 2017
Preliminary results and challenges of artefact reduction in analysis of mismatch responses elicited by amplitude modulation detection in cochlear implant users.
SM Waechter, A Lopez Valdes, C Simoes-Franklin, J Smyth, L Viani, ...
Journal of Hearing Science 7 (2), 2017
Freezing of gait (FOG) in PD: Is electroencephalography (EEG) a gateway to elucidating the pathophysiology?
T Munteanu, EJ Baird, C Fearon, SM Waechter, C McDonnell, J Gallego, ...
MOVEMENT DISORDERS 31, S423-S423, 2016
Evaluation of the mismatch waveform elicited by amplitude modulated auditory stimuli as an objective measure for temporal discrimination abilities to aid future Cochlear …
SM Waechter, A Lopez Valdes, C Simoes-Franklin, L Viani, RB Reilly
39th Annual MidWinter Meeting, Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2016
Electroencephalography and Gait Analysis using Virtual Reality Environments in Freezing of Gait
TL C. Fearon, S.M. Waechter, J. Gallego, B. Quinlivan, N. McDevitt, B ...
1st IFOG Conference, 2014
Electroencephalography in Parkinson’s Disease Patients with Freezing of Gait while Stepping in Place
RBR C. Fearon, S.M. Waechter, C. McDonnell, E. Harrington, J. S. Butler, T ...
ISPGR World Congress, 2014
The role of cognitive load on freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease: an approach based on EEG and gait analysis using a virtual reality environment;
RBR S.M. Waechter, C. McDonnell, J.S. Butler, J. Gallego, B. Quinlivan, I ...
Neuroscience Ireland: Young Neuroscientist’s Symposium, 2014
A study of freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease based on mobile electroencephalography coupled with gait data in a virtual reality environment
SM Waechter
Trinity College Dublin, 2014
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