Combining non-invasive transcranial brain stimulation with neuroimaging and electrophysiology: current approaches and future perspectives TO Bergmann, A Karabanov, G Hartwigsen, A Thielscher, HR Siebner Neuroimage 140, 4-19, 2016 | 403 | 2016 |
Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the brain: What is stimulated?–A consensus and critical position paper HR Siebner, K Funke, AS Aberra, A Antal, S Bestmann, R Chen, ... Clinical Neurophysiology 140, 59-97, 2022 | 312 | 2022 |
Consensus paper: probing homeostatic plasticity of human cortex with non-invasive transcranial brain stimulation A Karabanov, U Ziemann, M Hamada, MS George, A Quartarone, ... Brain stimulation 8 (5), 993-1006, 2015 | 271 | 2015 |
Thinking outside a less intact box: thalamic dopamine D2 receptor densities are negatively related to psychometric creativity in healthy individuals Ö De Manzano, S Cervenka, A Karabanov, L Farde, F Ullen PloS one 5 (5), e10670, 2010 | 199 | 2010 |
Intelligence and variability in a simple timing task share neural substrates in the prefrontal white matter F Ullén, L Forsman, Ö Blom, A Karabanov, G Madison Journal of Neuroscience 28 (16), 4238-4243, 2008 | 111 | 2008 |
Transcranial brain stimulation: closing the loop between brain and stimulation A Karabanov, A Thielscher, HR Siebner Current opinion in neurology 29 (4), 397-404, 2016 | 109 | 2016 |
Correlations between intelligence and components of serial timing variability G Madison, L Forsman, Ö Blom, A Karabanov, F Ullén Intelligence 37 (1), 68-75, 2009 | 96 | 2009 |
No trace of phase: Corticomotor excitability is not tuned by phase of pericentral mu-rhythm KH Madsen, AN Karabanov, LG Krohne, MG Safeldt, L Tomasevic, ... Brain stimulation 12 (5), 1261-1270, 2019 | 94 | 2019 |
The dorsal auditory pathway is involved in performance of both visual and auditory rhythms A Karabanov, Ö Blom, L Forsman, F Ullén Neuroimage 44 (2), 480-488, 2009 | 90 | 2009 |
Mapping different intra-hemispheric parietal-motor networks using twin coil TMS AN Karabanov, CC Chao, R Paine, M Hallett Brain Stimulation 6 (3), 384-389, 2013 | 70 | 2013 |
Can transcranial electrical stimulation localize brain function? AN Karabanov, GB Saturnino, A Thielscher, HR Siebner Frontiers in psychology 10, 213, 2019 | 68 | 2019 |
Anterior and posterior left inferior frontal gyrus contribute to the implementation of grammatical determiners during language production B Ishkhanyan, V Michel Lange, K Boye, J Mogensen, A Karabanov, ... Frontiers in psychology 11, 685, 2020 | 64 | 2020 |
Modeling the effects of noninvasive transcranial brain stimulation at the biophysical, network, and cognitive level G Hartwigsen, TO Bergmann, DM Herz, S Angstmann, A Karabanov, ... Progress in brain research 222, 261-287, 2015 | 64 | 2015 |
Dopamine D2 receptor density in the limbic striatum is related to implicit but not explicit movement sequence learning A Karabanov, S Cervenka, Ö de Manzano, H Forssberg, L Farde, F Ullén Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (16), 7574-7579, 2010 | 63 | 2010 |
Timing-dependent modulation of the posterior parietal cortex–primary motor cortex pathway by sensorimotor training A Karabanov, SH Jin, A Joutsen, B Poston, J Aizen, A Ellenstein, M Hallett Journal of Neurophysiology 107 (11), 3190-3199, 2012 | 61 | 2012 |
Induction of motor associative plasticity in the posterior parietal cortex–primary motor network CC Chao, AN Karabanov, R Paine, A Carolina de Campos, SN Kukke, ... Cerebral Cortex 25 (2), 365-373, 2015 | 59 | 2015 |
Centre-surround organization of fast sensorimotor integration in human motor hand area R Dubbioso, E Raffin, A Karabanov, A Thielscher, HR Siebner Neuroimage 158, 37-47, 2017 | 58 | 2017 |
Differences in regional brain volume related to the extraversion–introversion dimension—a voxel based morphometry study LJ Forsman, Ö de Manzano, A Karabanov, G Madison, F Ullén Neuroscience research 72 (1), 59-67, 2012 | 52 | 2012 |
Cerebellar–premotor cortex interactions underlying visuomotor adaptation E Tzvi, F Koeth, AN Karabanov, HR Siebner, UM Krämer Neuroimage 220, 117142, 2020 | 51 | 2020 |
Carolina de Campos A, Kukke SN, Wu T, et al. Induction of motor associative plasticity in the posterior parietal cortex-primary motor network CC Chao, AN Karabanov, R Paine Cereb Cortex 25 (2), 365-73, 2015 | 51 | 2015 |