Elaissa Trybus Hardy
Elaissa Trybus Hardy
Instructor, Emory University
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Citované v
Platelet mechanosensing of substrate stiffness during clot formation mediates adhesion, spreading, and activation
Y Qiu, AC Brown, DR Myers, Y Sakurai, RG Mannino, R Tran, B Ahn, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (40), 14430-14435, 2014
InN: A material with photovoltaic promise and challenges
E Trybus, G Namkoong, W Henderson, S Burnham, WA Doolittle, ...
Journal of Crystal Growth 288 (2), 218-224, 2006
A microengineered vascularized bleeding model that integrates the principal components of hemostasis
SMJWAL Yumiko Sakurai, Elaissa T. Hardy, Byungwook Ahn, Reginald Tran ...
Nature Communication 9, 509, 2018
Metal modulation epitaxy growth for extremely high hole concentrations above 1019cm− 3 in GaN
G Namkoong, E Trybus, KK Lee, M Moseley, WA Doolittle, DC Look
Applied Physics Letters 93 (17), 2008
Endothelialized microfluidics for studying microvascular interactions in hematologic diseases
DR Myers, Y Sakurai, R Tran, B Ahn, ET Hardy, R Mannino, A Kita, M Tsai, ...
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 3958, 2012
Biomechanics of haemostasis and thrombosis in health and disease: from the macro‐to molecular scale
R Tran, DR Myers, J Ciciliano, EL Trybus Hardy, Y Sakurai, B Ahn, Y Qiu, ...
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine 17 (5), 579-596, 2013
Transient atomic behavior and surface kinetics of GaN
M Moseley, D Billingsley, W Henderson, E Trybus, WA Doolittle
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (1), 2009
Design, growth, fabrication and characterization of high-band gap InGaN/GaN solar cells
O Jani, C Honsberg, Y Huang, JO Song, I Ferguson, G Namkoong, ...
2006 IEEE 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conference 1, 20-25, 2006
III-nitrides on oxygen-and zinc-face ZnO substrates
G Namkoong, S Burnham, KK Lee, E Trybus, WA Doolittle, M Losurdo, ...
Applied Physics Letters 87 (18), 2005
Extremely high hole concentrations in c‐plane GaN
E Trybus, WA Doolittle, M Moseley, W Henderson, D Billingsley, ...
physica status solidi c 6 (S2 2), S788-S791, 2009
Effect of phase separation on performance of III-V nitride solar cells
O Jani, H Yu, E Trybus, B Jampana, I Ferguson, A Doolittle, C Honsberg
22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 64-67, 2007
Effects of nitric oxide donors in vitro on the arachidonic acid-induced platelet release reaction and platelet cyclic GMP concentration in pre-eclampsia.
E Hardy, PC Rubin, EH Horn
Clinical Science (London, England: 1979) 86 (2), 195-202, 1994
A cross-sectional study of platelet cyclic AMP in healthy and hypertensive pregnant women
EH Horn, J Cooper, E Hardy, S Heptinstall, PC Rubin
Clinical Science 80 (6), 549-558, 1991
A Baker, A Blain, N Erickson, X Fan, J Glenn, E Hardy, A Harris, G Stacey, ...
Growth of InN on Ge substrate by molecular beam epitaxy
E Trybus, G Namkoong, W Henderson, WA Doolittle, R Liu, J Mei, ...
Journal of crystal growth 279 (3-4), 311-315, 2005
Characteristics of InGaN designed for photovoltaic applications
E Trybus, O Jani, S Burnham, I Ferguson, C Honsberg, M Steiner, ...
physica status solidi c 5 (6), 1843-1845, 2008
InGaN–A new solar cell material
C Honsberg, O Jani, A Doolittle, E Trybus, G Namkoong, I Ferguson, ...
Proceedings of the 19th European Photovoltaic Science and Engineering …, 2004
Longitudinal studies of platelet cyclic AMP during healthy pregnancy and pregnancies at risk of pre-eclampsia.
EH Horn, JA Cooper, E Hardy, S Heptinstall, PC Rubin
Clinical Science (London, England: 1979) 89 (1), 91-99, 1995
Magnesium modifies the responses of platelets to inhibitory agents which act via cAMP
E Hardy, J Glenn, S Heptinstall, PC Rubin, EH Horn
Thrombosis and haemostasis 74 (10), 1132-1137, 1995
Diabetes affects endothelial cell function and alters fibrin clot formation in a microvascular flow model: A pilot study
L Jenny, A Melmer, M Laimer, ET Hardy, WA Lam, V Schroeder
Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research 17 (1), 1479164120903044, 2020
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